package git-http

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module type CLIENT = sig ... end
module type ENDPOINT = sig ... end
module type FLOW = sig ... end
module Lwt_cstruct_flow : FLOW with type raw = Cstruct.t and type +'a io = 'a Lwt.t
module type S = sig ... end
module Make (W : Web.S with type +'a io = 'a Lwt.t and type raw = Cstruct.t and type uri = Uri.t and type Request.body = Lwt_cstruct_flow.i and type Response.body = Lwt_cstruct_flow.o) (C : CLIENT with type +'a io = 'a and type headers = W.HTTP.headers and type body = Lwt_cstruct_flow.o and type meth = W.HTTP.meth and type resp = W.resp) (E : ENDPOINT with type t = C.endpoint and type headers = C.headers) (G : Git.S) : S with module Web = W and module Client = C and module Store = G
module CohttpMake (C : CLIENT with type +'a io = 'a Lwt.t and type headers = Web_cohttp_lwt.HTTP.headers and type body = Lwt_cstruct_flow.o and type meth = Web_cohttp_lwt.HTTP.meth and type resp = Web_cohttp_lwt.resp) (E : ENDPOINT with type t = C.endpoint and type headers = C.headers) (S : Git.S) : COHTTP_S with module Client = C and module Store = S