package gettext

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type range = Stdlib.Int32.t * Stdlib.Int32.t
type textdomain = string
type locale = string
type dir = string
type filename = string
type codeset = string
exception CompileProblemReadingFile of filename * string
exception CompileExtractionFailed of filename * string * int
exception CompileExtractionInterrupted of filename * string * int
exception DomainFileDoesntExist of filename list
exception FormatInconsistent of string * string
exception GettextUninitialized
exception MoInvalidOptions of Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf * string
exception MoInvalidPlurals of Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf * string
exception MoInvalidContentType of Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf * string
exception MoInvalidTranslationSingular of string * int
exception MoInvalidTranslationPlural of string list * int
exception MoJunk of string * string list
exception MoEmptyEntry
exception MoInvalidFile
exception MoInvalidHeaderNegativeStrings
exception MoInvalidHeaderTableStringOutOfBound of range * range
exception MoInvalidHeaderTableTranslationOutOfBound of range * range
exception MoInvalidHeaderTableTranslationStringOverlap of range * range
exception MoInvalidStringOutOfBound of int * int
exception MoInvalidTranslationOutOfBound of int * int
exception MoCannotOpenFile of string
exception PoInvalidFile of string * Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf * Stdlib.in_channel
exception PoFileInvalidIndex of string * int
exception PoFileDoesntExist of string
exception PoInconsistentMerge of string * string
exception TranslateStringNotFound of string
exception LocalePosixUnparseable of string
type dependencies = (textdomain * codeset option * dir option) list
module type INIT_TYPE = sig ... end
module MapString : sig ... end
module SetString : sig ... end
module MapTextdomain : sig ... end
type failsafe =
  1. | Ignore
  2. | InformStderr of exn -> string
  3. | RaiseException
type t = {
  1. failsafe : failsafe;
  2. textdomains : (codeset option * dir option) MapTextdomain.t;
  3. categories : locale GettextCategory.MapCategory.t;
  4. language : locale option;
  5. codeset : codeset;
  6. path : dir list;
  7. default : textdomain;
type t' = bool -> textdomain option -> string -> (string * int) option -> GettextCategory.category -> string
type endianess =
  1. | BigEndian
  2. | LittleEndian
type mo_header = {
  1. endianess : endianess;
  2. file_format_revision : int32;
  3. number_of_strings : int32;
  4. offset_table_strings : int32;
  5. offset_table_translation : int32;
  6. size_of_hashing_table : int32;
  7. offset_of_hashing_table : int32;
type mo_translation = {
  1. project_id_version : string option;
  2. report_msgid_bugs_to : string option;
  3. pot_creation_date : string option;
  4. po_revision_date : string option;
  5. last_translator : string option;
  6. language_tream : string option;
  7. mime_version : string option;
  8. content_type : string option;
  9. content_transfer_encoding : string option;
  10. plural_forms : string option;
  11. content_type_charset : string;
  12. nplurals : int;
  13. fun_plural_forms : int -> int;
type translation =
  1. | Singular of string * string
  2. | Plural of string * string * string list
type po_translation =
  1. | PoSingular of string list * string list
  2. | PoPlural of string list * string list * string list list
type po_filepos = filename * int
type po_special = string
type po_commented_translation = {
  1. po_comment_special : po_special list;
  2. po_comment_filepos : po_filepos list;
  3. po_comment_translation : po_translation;
type po_translations = po_commented_translation MapString.t
type po_content = {
  1. no_domain : po_translations;
  2. domain : po_translations MapTextdomain.t;
module type REALIZE_TYPE = sig ... end

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