package geoml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Circle manipulation

type t = private {
  1. center : Point.t;
  2. radius : float;
val make : Point.t -> float -> t
val center : t -> Point.t
val radius : t -> float
val translate : float -> float -> t -> t
val reflection : Point.t -> t -> t
val rotate : t -> Point.t -> float -> t

radian rotation. rotate c p f returns the rotated circle of c with p as rotation center and f a angle in radian

val rotate_angle : t -> Point.t -> float -> t

Same as rotate but the angle is given in degree

val contains : t -> Point.t -> bool
val area : t -> float
val perimeter : t -> float
val proj_x : t -> float * float
val proj_y : t -> float * float
val tangent : t -> Point.t -> Line.t

tangent c p returns the tangent of circle c going through point p. p must lie on c's boundary, otherwise behaviour is unspecified

val intersects : t -> t -> bool
val intersection : t -> t -> Point.t list

returns the list of intersection points of two circle. It can be:

  • when the circles dont intersect
  • p when the circles are tangent in p
  • a;b when the circles intersect, a and b are the intersection points
val intersect_line : t -> Line.t -> Point.t list

same as intersection but with a circle and a line

val segment_intersection : t -> Segment.t -> Point.t list

same as intersection but with a circle and a segment

val circumscribed : Point.t -> Point.t -> Point.t -> t

returns the circumscribed cirle of the triangle defined by the three points

val incircle : Point.t -> Point.t -> Point.t -> t

returns the incirle of the triangle defined by the three points

val of_diameter : Point.t -> Point.t -> t

of_diameter a b builds the circle with ab as diameter

val bounding : Point.t list -> t

given a list of point, returns the smallest circle that contains all the points of the list, using emo welzl's algorithm. complexity in expected linear time

val random_point : Random.State.t -> t -> Point.t

returns a randomly and uniformly chosen point that lies inside the circle

val random_point_perimeter : Random.State.t -> t -> Point.t

returns a randomly and uniformly chosen point that lies on the permieter of the circle

val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit



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