package genspio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Compiler from EDSL.t to POSIX shell scripts.

type internal_error_details = Language.internal_error_details = {
  1. variable : string;

    The incriminated issue was stored in a shell variable.

  2. content : string;

    The shell-code that produced the variable.

  3. code : string;

    Pretty-printed version of the above EDSL code.


When a compiled script runs into an error, these details are accessible to the user.

type death_message = Language.death_message =
  1. | User of string

    The argument of the is the “user” case.

  2. | C_string_failure of internal_error_details

    The checking that a byte-array is a C-String can fail when the byte-array contains '\x00'.

  3. | String_to_int_failure of internal_error_details

    string_to_int can obviously fail.


The kinds of messages that can be output or stored before exiting a script.

type death_function = comment_stack:string list -> death_message -> string

When failing (either with or because of internal reasons) the compiler uses a customizable function to output the “error” message and then quiting the process.

type compilation_error = Language.compilation_error = {
  1. error : [ `No_fail_configured of death_message | `Max_argument_length of string | `Not_a_c_string of string ];

    Error description.

  2. code : string option;

    Chunk of relevant, pretty-printed EDSL code.

  3. comment_backtrace : string list;

    Stack of `Comment` constructs at the point of the error.


The potential compilation error.

val pp_error : Format.formatter -> compilation_error -> unit

Printer for error values.

val error_to_string : compilation_error -> string

Convenience display of error values.

type parameters = {
  1. style : [ `Multi_line | `One_liner ];

    The kind of script to output: in one-liners sequences are separated with ";", in multi-line scripts, sequences are separated with new lines.

  2. max_argument_length : int option;

    A limit on the length of the literal command line arguments generated by the compiler.

    • None means “do not check.”
    • The default value for is Some 100_000, meaning that ≥ 100 000 B arguments will make the compiler fail with an exception.
  3. fail_with : [ `Kill of string | `Nothing | `Trap_and_kill of int * string ];

    How to implement the construct (which appears also internally e.g. when EDSL.to_c_string fails.).

    • `Nothing: the compiler will fail to compile fail constructs.
    • `Kill signal_name: the compiler will store the “toplevel” process id of the script and will be trying to kill the script with the signal signal_name (e.g. "USR2").
    • `Trap_and_kill (exit_status, signal_name): the construct will kill the script with signal_name and the signal will be caught with the POSIX "trap" command in order to exit with exit_status.
  4. print_failure : death_function;

    How to deal with the death_message in case of failure. The function should return a shell command, like the result of compiling a unit EDSL.t expression or what Sys.command can work with.


Configuration of the compilation to POSIX shell scripts.

val failure_to_stderr : death_function

The default death_function just prints to stderr.

val one_liner : parameters

The default parameters for one-liners:

  style = `One_liner;
  max_argument_length = Some 100_000;
  fail_with = `Trap_and_kill (78, "USR2");
  print_failure = failure_to_stderr;
val multi_line : parameters

The default parameters for multi-liners (similar to one_liner).

val default_options : parameters

The default value for ?option in string, which is one_liner.

val string : ?options:parameters -> 'a EDSL.t -> (string, compilation_error) result

Compile a Genspio expression to a POSIX shell “phrase” (one-liner or multi-line) according to the ?options (see parameters).


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