package gen
Module type
Class type
type 'a t = unit -> 'a gen
type 'a restartable = 'a t
include S with type 'a t := 'a restartable
val empty : 'a restartable
Empty generator, with no elements
val singleton : 'a -> 'a restartable
One-element generator
val repeat : 'a -> 'a restartable
Repeat same element endlessly
val iterate : 'a -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a restartable
iterate x f
is [x; f x; f (f x); f (f (f x)); ...]
val unfold : ('b -> ('a * 'b) option) -> 'b -> 'a restartable
Dual of fold
, with a deconstructing operation. It keeps on unfolding the 'b
value into a new 'b
, and a 'a
which is yielded, until None
is returned.
val init : ?limit:int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a restartable
Calls the function, starting from 0, on increasing indices. If limit
is provided and is a positive int, iteration will stop at the limit (excluded). For instance init ~limit:4 id
will yield 0, 1, 2, and 3.
Basic combinators
val is_empty : _ restartable -> bool
Check whether the gen is empty. Pops an element, if any
val fold : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a restartable -> 'b
Fold on the generator, tail-recursively. Consumes the generator.
val reduce : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a restartable -> 'a
Fold on non-empty sequences. Consumes the generator.
val scan : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a restartable -> 'b restartable
Like fold
, but keeping successive values of the accumulator. Consumes the generator.
val unfold_scan :
('b -> 'a -> 'b * 'c) ->
'b ->
'a restartable ->
'c restartable
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a restartable -> unit
Iterate on the gen, consumes it.
val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a restartable -> unit
Iterate on elements with their index in the gen, from 0, consuming it.
val length : _ restartable -> int
Length of an gen (linear time), consuming it
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a restartable -> 'b restartable
Lazy map. No iteration is performed now, the function will be called when the result is traversed.
val append : 'a restartable -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Append the two gens; the result contains the elements of the first, then the elements of the second gen.
val flatten : 'a Gen_intf.gen restartable -> 'a restartable
Flatten the generator of generators
val flat_map : ('a -> 'b Gen_intf.gen) -> 'a restartable -> 'b restartable
Monadic bind; each element is transformed to a sub-gen which is then iterated on, before the next element is processed, and so on.
val mem : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a restartable -> bool
Is the given element, member of the gen?
val take : int -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Take at most n elements
val drop : int -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Drop n elements
val nth : int -> 'a restartable -> 'a
n-th element, or Not_found
val take_nth : int -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
take_nth n g
returns every element of g
whose index is a multiple of n
. For instance take_nth 2 (1--10) |> to_list
will return 1;3;5;7;9
val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Filter out elements that do not satisfy the predicate.
val take_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Take elements while they satisfy the predicate
val drop_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Drop elements while they satisfy the predicate
val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a restartable -> 'b restartable
Maps some elements to 'b, drop the other ones
val zip_index : 'a restartable -> (int * 'a) restartable
Zip elements with their index in the gen
val unzip : ('a * 'b) restartable -> 'a restartable * 'b restartable
Unzip into two sequences, splitting each pair
val partition :
('a -> bool) ->
'a restartable ->
'a restartable * 'a restartable
partition p l
returns the elements that satisfy p
, and the elements that do not satisfy p
val for_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> bool
Is the predicate true for all elements?
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> bool
Is the predicate true for at least one element?
val min : ?lt:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a
Minimum element, according to the given comparison function.
val max : ?lt:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a
Maximum element, see min
val eq : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable -> bool
Equality of generators.
val lexico : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable -> int
Lexicographic comparison of generators. If a generator is a prefix of the other one, it is considered smaller.
val compare : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable -> int
Synonym for lexico
val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a option
find p e
returns the first element of e
to satisfy p
, or None.
val sum : int restartable -> int
Sum of all elements
Multiple iterators
val map2 :
('a -> 'b -> 'c) ->
'a restartable ->
'b restartable ->
'c restartable
Map on the two sequences. Stops once one of them is exhausted.
val iter2 : ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a restartable -> 'b restartable -> unit
Iterate on the two sequences. Stops once one of them is exhausted.
val fold2 :
('acc -> 'a -> 'b -> 'acc) ->
'acc ->
'a restartable ->
'b restartable ->
Fold the common prefix of the two iterators
val for_all2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'b restartable -> bool
Succeeds if all pairs of elements satisfy the predicate. Ignores elements of an iterator if the other runs dry.
val exists2 : ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'b restartable -> bool
Succeeds if some pair of elements satisfy the predicate. Ignores elements of an iterator if the other runs dry.
val zip_with :
('a -> 'b -> 'c) ->
'a restartable ->
'b restartable ->
'c restartable
Combine common part of the gens (stops when one is exhausted)
val zip : 'a restartable -> 'b restartable -> ('a * 'b) restartable
Zip together the common part of the gens
Complex combinators
val merge : 'a Gen_intf.gen restartable -> 'a restartable
Pick elements fairly in each sub-generator. The merge of gens e1, e2, ...
picks elements in e1
, e2
, in e3
, e1
, e2
.... Once a generator is empty, it is skipped; when they are all empty, and none remains in the input, their merge is also empty. For instance, merge [1;3;5] [2;4;6]
will be, in disorder, 1;2;3;4;5;6
val intersection :
?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) ->
'a restartable ->
'a restartable ->
'a restartable
Intersection of two sorted sequences. Only elements that occur in both inputs appear in the output
val sorted_merge :
?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) ->
'a restartable ->
'a restartable ->
'a restartable
Merge two sorted sequences into a sorted sequence
val sorted_merge_n :
?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) ->
'a restartable list ->
'a restartable
Sorted merge of multiple sorted sequences
val tee : ?n:int -> 'a restartable -> 'a Gen_intf.gen list
Duplicate the gen into n
generators (default 2). The generators share the same underlying instance of the gen, so the optimal case is when they are consumed evenly
val round_robin : ?n:int -> 'a restartable -> 'a Gen_intf.gen list
Split the gen into n
generators in a fair way. Elements with index = k mod n
with go to the k-th gen. n
default value is 2.
val interleave : 'a restartable -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
interleave a b
yields an element of a
, then an element of b
, and so on. When a generator is exhausted, this behaves like the other generator.
val intersperse : 'a -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Put the separator element between all elements of the given gen
val product : 'a restartable -> 'b restartable -> ('a * 'b) restartable
Cartesian product, in no predictable order. Works even if some of the arguments are infinite.
val group : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a list restartable
Group equal consecutive elements together.
val uniq : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Remove consecutive duplicate elements. Basically this is like fun e -> map List.hd (group e)
val sort : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Sort according to the given comparison function. The gen must be finite.
val sort_uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a restartable -> 'a restartable
Sort and remove duplicates. The gen must be finite.
val chunks : int -> 'a restartable -> 'a array restartable
chunks n e
returns a generator of arrays of length n
, composed of successive elements of e
. The last array may be smaller than n
val permutations : 'a restartable -> 'a list restartable
Permutations of the gen.
val permutations_heap : 'a restartable -> 'a array restartable
Permutations of the gen, using Heap's algorithm.
val combinations : int -> 'a restartable -> 'a list restartable
Combinations of given length. The ordering of the elements within each combination is unspecified. Example (ignoring ordering): combinations 2 (1--3) |> to_list = [[1;2]; [1;3]; [2;3]]
val power_set : 'a restartable -> 'a list restartable
All subsets of the gen (in no particular order). The ordering of the elements within each subset is unspecified.
Basic conversion functions
val of_list : 'a list -> 'a restartable
Enumerate elements of the list
val to_list : 'a restartable -> 'a list
non tail-call trasnformation to list, in the same order
val to_rev_list : 'a restartable -> 'a list
Tail call conversion to list, in reverse order (more efficient)
val to_array : 'a restartable -> 'a array
Convert the gen to an array (not very efficient)
val of_array : ?start:int -> ?len:int -> 'a array -> 'a restartable
Iterate on (a slice of) the given array
val of_string : ?start:int -> ?len:int -> string -> char restartable
Iterate on bytes of the string
val to_string : char restartable -> string
Convert into a string
val to_buffer : Buffer.t -> char restartable -> unit
Consumes the iterator and writes to the buffer
val rand_int : int -> int restartable
Random ints in the given range.
val int_range : int -> int -> int restartable
int_range a b
generates integers between a
and b
, included. a
is assumed to be smaller than b
module Infix : sig ... end
val (--) : int -> int -> int restartable
Synonym for int_range
val (>>=) : 'a restartable -> ('a -> 'b Gen_intf.gen) -> 'b restartable
Monadic bind operator
val pp :
?start:string ->
?stop:string ->
?sep:string ->
?horizontal:bool ->
(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
Format.formatter ->
'a restartable ->
Pretty print the content of the generator on a formatter.