package gemini

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include T0 end

A timestamp is just a core time instance that was converted from some raw json date.

val t_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val to_string : Time_float_unix.t -> Base.String.t
val to_yojson : Time_float_unix.t -> [> `String of Base.String.t ]
val of_yojson_with_span : (Core.Float.t -> Core.Time_float.Span.t) -> [< `Assoc of (string * Yojson.Safe.t) list | `Bool of bool | `Float of float | `Int of int | `Int64 of int64 | `Intlit of string | `List of Yojson.Safe.t list | `Null | `String of string | `Tuple of Yojson.Safe.t list | `Variant of string * Yojson.Safe.t option ] -> (Time_float_unix.t, string) Base.Result.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> (Time_float_unix.t, string) Base.Result.t
val of_string : string -> Time_float_unix.t
include Csvfields.Csv.Csvable with type t := t
include Csvfields.Csv.Csvable_simple with type t := t
val is_csv_atom : bool

true if csvable will be represented as a column, and its label is the field name of a containing record.

val rev_csv_header' : string list -> _ -> _ -> string list

A Fields.fold friendly version of a function to collect the csv header of the csvable type. The output is the header in reverse order.

val rev_csv_header_spec' : Csvfields.Csv.Spec.t list -> _ -> _ -> Csvfields.Csv.Spec.t list
val t_of_row' : _ -> string list -> (unit -> t) * string list

t_of_row' _ row generates a Fields.make_creator friendly function that outputs a pair (creator, tail) such that creator () generates the type t with the first elements in row, and tail is the remaining set of elements from row that where not used in the creation of t.

val write_row_of_t' : is_first:bool -> is_last:bool -> writer:(string -> unit) -> _ -> _ -> t -> unit

row_of_t' has the same arguments as Helper.write. The ignored arguments are used to make it Fields.fold friendly.

val csv_header : string list

The list of strings creating the header of the csvable type.

val csv_header_spec : Csvfields.Csv.Spec.t list
val t_of_row : string list -> t

t_of_row row creates type t from the row.

val row_of_t : t -> string list

row_of_t t creates a row from csvable.

val csv_load : ?separator:char -> string -> t list

The following functions are wrappers around the corresponding functions in Csvlib.Csv.

val csv_load_in : ?separator:char -> Core.In_channel.t -> t list
val csv_save_fn : ?separator:char -> (string -> unit) -> t list -> unit
val csv_save_out : ?separator:char -> Core.Out_channel.t -> t list -> unit
val csv_save : ?separator:char -> string -> t list -> unit

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