package gdal

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val t : t Ctypes.typ
val t_opt : t option Ctypes.typ
exception Invalid_source
exception Invalid_projection
exception Band_error
exception Copy_error
exception Overview_error
val of_source : ?write:bool -> string -> [ `Error of [> `Invalid_source ] | `Ok of t ]
val of_source_exn : ?write:bool -> string -> t
val close : t -> unit
val with_source : ?write:bool -> string -> (t -> [> `Error of [> `Invalid_source ] ] as 'b) -> 'b
val with_source_exn : ?write:bool -> string -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a
val get_driver : t -> Driver.t
val get_projection : t -> string
val get_x_size : t -> int
val get_y_size : t -> int
val get_count : t -> int
val get_band : t -> int -> ('v, 'e) Band.Data.t -> ('v, 'e) Band.t
val get_band_data_type : t -> int -> [ `byte | `float32 | `float64 | `int16 | `int32 | `uint16 | `uint32 | `unhandled | `unknown ]
val add_band : ?options:string list -> t -> ('v, 'e) Band.Data.t -> unit
val create_copy : ?strict:bool -> ?options:string list -> t -> Driver.t -> string -> [ `Error of [ `Invalid_source ] | `Ok of t ]
val create_copy_exn : ?strict:bool -> ?options:string list -> t -> Driver.t -> string -> t
val create : ?options:string list -> ?bands:(int * ('a, 'b) Band.Data.t) -> Driver.t -> string -> (int * int) -> [ `Error of [ `Invalid_source ] | `Ok of t ]
val create_exn : ?options:string list -> ?bands:(int * ('a, 'b) Band.Data.t) -> Driver.t -> string -> (int * int) -> t
val copy : ?options:string list -> src:t -> dst:t -> unit
val set_projection : t -> string -> unit
val of_band : ('a, 'b) Band.t -> t
val build_overviews : ?factors:int list -> ?bands:int list -> t -> string -> unit

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