sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
On This Page
Information about the final application.
val name : t -> string
name t
is the name of the application.
with_output t o
is similar to t
but with the output set to Some o
val libraries : t -> string list
libraries t
are the direct OCamlfind dependencies.
val opam : Package.scope -> t -> install:Install.t -> Opam.t
opam scope t
is t
'opam file to install in the scope
val context : t -> Key.context
parsed t
is a value representing the command-line argument being parsed.
val v :
packages:Package.t list ->
keys:Key.t list ->
context:Key.context ->
build_cmd:string list ->
src:[ `Auto | `None | `Some of string ] ->
string ->
create context n r
contains information about the application being built.
val pp : bool -> t Fmt.t