package fsml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

VHDL backend

type config = {
  1. mutable state_var : string;

    Name of signal storing the current state (default: state)

  2. mutable reset_sig : string;

    Name of the asynchronous reset input (default: rst)

  3. mutable clk_sig : string;

    Name of the clock input (default: clk)

  4. mutable use_numeric_std : bool;

    Encode integers as VHDL Signed or Unsigned (default: false)

  5. mutable act_sem : act_semantics;

    Use sequential or synchronous semantics for actions (default: sequential)

and act_semantics =
  1. | Sequential
  2. | Synchronous

    Interpretation of actions associated to transitions. With a a Sequential interpretation, the sequence x:=x+1,y:=x, with x=1, will lead to x=2,y=2. With a a Synchronous interpretation, the same sequence will lead to x=2,y=1. The default behavior is set to Sequential in order to make OCaml, C and VHDL behaviors observationaly equivalent. Synchronous behavior is implemented (and can be selected) but potentially breaks this equivalence because it is not (yet) implemented at the OCaml and C level.

val cfg : config
exception Error of string * string
val write : ?dir:string -> prefix:string -> Fsm.t -> unit

write prefix m writes in file prefix.vhd a representation of FSM m as a VHDL entity and architecture. The architecture is a synchronous FSM, with a clk signal and a asynchronous, active high, rst signal. Transitions are performed on the rising edge of the clk signal. The generated file is written in the current working directory unless a target directory is specified with the dir argument. If the target directory does not exist, an attempt is made to create it.


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