package frama-clang

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type location = Stdlib.Lexing.position * Stdlib.Lexing.position
type ikind =
  1. | IBool
  2. | IChar_u
  3. | IChar_s
  4. | IUChar
  5. | ISChar
  6. | IChar16
  7. | IChar32
  8. | IWChar_u
  9. | IWChar_s
  10. | IChar
  11. | IWChar
  12. | IShort
  13. | IUShort
  14. | IInt
  15. | IUInt
  16. | ILong
  17. | IULong
  18. | ILongLong
  19. | IULongLong
and fkind =
  1. | FFloat
  2. | FDouble
  3. | FLongDouble
and ickind =
  1. | ICLiteral
  2. | ICStaticConst
  3. | ICExternConst
and tcckind =
  1. | TCCSizeOf
  2. | TCCAlignOf
and compilation_constant =
  1. | IntCst of ikind * ickind * Stdlib.Int64.t
  2. | FloatCst of fkind * string
  3. | EnumCst of qualified_name * ekind * Stdlib.Int64.t
  4. | TypeCst of tcckind * typ
and template_parameter =
  1. | TPStructOrClass of qualified_name
  2. | TPTypename of qual_type
  3. | TPConstant of compilation_constant
  4. | TPDeclaration of qualified_name
and qualification =
  1. | QNamespace of string
  2. | QStructOrClass of string
  3. | QTemplateInstance of string * template_parameter list
and qualified_name = {
  1. prequalification : qualification list;
  2. decl_name : string;
and ekind = {
  1. body : qualified_name;
  2. ekind_is_extern_c : bool;
and funkind =
  1. | FKFunction
  2. | FKMethod of specifier list
  3. | FKCastMethodOperator of specifier list * qual_type
  4. | FKConstructor of bool
  5. | FKDestructor of bool
and signature = {
  1. result : qual_type;
  2. parameter : qual_type list;
  3. variadic : bool;
and pkind =
  1. | PDataPointer of qual_type
  2. | PFunctionPointer of signature
  3. | PStandardMethodPointer of signature * Stdlib.Int64.t
  4. | PVirtualMethodPointer of signature * Stdlib.Int64.t * Stdlib.Int64.t
and akind = {
  1. subtype : qual_type;
  2. dimension : expression option;
and ckind =
  1. | CClass
  2. | CStruct
  3. | CUnion
and tkind =
  1. | TStandard
  2. | TTemplateInstance of template_parameter list
and vkind =
  1. | VStandard
  2. | VVirtual
and typ =
  1. | Void
  2. | Int of ikind
  3. | Enum of ekind
  4. | Float of fkind
  5. | Pointer of pkind
  6. | LVReference of pkind
  7. | RVReference of pkind
  8. | Array of akind
  9. | Struct of qualified_name * tkind
  10. | Union of qualified_name * tkind
  11. | Named of qualified_name * bool
  12. | Lambda of signature list * capture list
and specifier =
  1. | Const
  2. | Volatile
  3. | Restrict
  4. | Static
and qual_type = {
  1. qualifier : specifier list;
  2. plain_type : typ;
and arg_decl = {
  1. arg_type : qual_type;
  2. arg_name : string;
  3. arg_loc : location;
and expression = {
  1. eloc : location;
  2. econtent : exp_node;
and variable =
  1. | Local of qualified_name
  2. | Global of qualified_name
  3. | FunctionParameter of string
  4. | CodePointer of qualified_name * signature * funkind * bool * tkind
and uokind =
  1. | UOCastNoEffect of qual_type
  2. | UOCastDeref
  3. | UOCastDerefInit
  4. | UOCastToVoid
  5. | UOCastInteger of qual_type * ikind
  6. | UOCastEnum of qual_type * ekind
  7. | UOCastFloat of qual_type * fkind
  8. | UOCastC of qual_type
  9. | UOPostInc
  10. | UOPostDec
  11. | UOPreInc
  12. | UOPreDec
  13. | UOOpposite
  14. | UOBitNegate
  15. | UOLogicalNegate
and bokind =
  1. | BOPlus
  2. | BOMinus
  3. | BOLess
  4. | BOLessOrEqual
  5. | BOEqual
  6. | BODifferent
  7. | BOGreaterOrEqual
  8. | BOGreater
  9. | BOTimes
  10. | BODivide
  11. | BOModulo
  12. | BOBitOr
  13. | BOBitAnd
  14. | BOBitExclusiveOr
  15. | BOLeftShift
  16. | BORightShift
  17. | BOLogicalAnd
  18. | BOLogicalOr
  19. | BOComma
and assign_kind =
  1. | AKRValue
  2. | AKAssign
and reference_or_pointer_kind =
  1. | RPKPointer
  2. | RPKReference
  3. | RPKStaticBasePointer
  4. | RPKStaticBaseReference
  5. | RPKVirtualBasePointer of Stdlib.Int64.t * qual_type * bool
  6. | RPKVirtualBaseReference of Stdlib.Int64.t * qual_type
  7. | RPKDynamicPointer of qual_type * expression
  8. | RPKDynamicReference of qual_type * expression
and lambda_overload_instance = {
  1. return_type : qual_type;
  2. arg_decls : arg_decl list;
  3. id : Stdlib.Int64.t;
  4. impl : statement list;
and exp_node =
  1. | Constant of compilation_constant
  2. | String of string
  3. | Variable of variable
  4. | Malloc of typ
  5. | MallocArray of typ * expression
  6. | Free of expression
  7. | FreeArray of expression
  8. | Assign of expression * expression
  9. | Unary_operator of uokind * expression
  10. | Binary_operator of bokind * assign_kind * expression * expression
  11. | Dereference of expression
  12. | Address of expression
  13. | PointerCast of qual_type * reference_or_pointer_kind * expression
  14. | ShiftPointerCast of qual_type * qual_type * reference_or_pointer_kind * expression
  15. | FieldAccess of expression * string
  16. | ArrayAccess of expression * expression
  17. | Conditional of expression * expression * expression
  18. | Static_call of qualified_name * signature * funkind * expression list * tkind * bool
  19. | Virtual_call of qualified_name * signature * funkind * expression * expression list * Stdlib.Int64.t * inheritance list * inheritance list
  20. | Dynamic_call of funkind * expression * expression list
  21. | Lambda_call of expression * expression list * Stdlib.Int64.t
  22. | Temporary of string * qual_type * init_expr * bool
  23. | InitializerList of qual_type * init_expr
  24. | VAArg of expression * qual_type
  25. | Throw of expression option
  26. | GnuBody of statement list
  27. | LambdaExpr of lambda_overload_instance list * capture list
and capture =
  1. | Cap_id of string * qual_type * bool
  2. | Cap_this of bool
and case_statement =
  1. | Case of compilation_constant * statement list
  2. | Default of statement list
and init_expr =
  1. | Single_init of expression
  2. | Implicit_init
  3. | Compound_init of init_expr list
  4. | Union_init of string * qual_type * init_expr
  5. | Array_init of qualified_name * expression
and cond_statement =
  1. | CondExpression of expression
  2. | CondVarDecl of string * qual_type * init_expr
and init_declarator = {
  1. id_name : string;
  2. init_type : qual_type;
  3. init_val : init_expr option;
and init_statement =
  1. | INop
  2. | IExpression of expression
  3. | IVarDecl of init_declarator list
and incr_statement =
  1. | CNop
  2. | CExpression of expression
and catch_block = {
  1. typed_arg : arg_decl option;
  2. cbody : statement list;
and statement =
  1. | Nop of location
  2. | Return of location * expression option
  3. | Expression of location * expression
  4. | VirtualExpression of location * expression
  5. | Code_annot of location * code_annotation
  6. | Ghost_block of location * statement list
  7. | Block of location * statement list
  8. | Condition of location * cond_statement * statement * statement
  9. | Label of location * string
  10. | Goto of location * string
  11. | Switch of location * cond_statement * case_statement list
  12. | VarDecl of location * string * qual_type * init_expr option
  13. | Break of location
  14. | Continue of location
  15. | While of location * expression * statement * code_annotation list
  16. | DoWhile of location * expression * statement * code_annotation list
  17. | For of location * init_statement * expression option * incr_statement * statement * code_annotation list
  18. | TryCatch of location * statement list * catch_block list
  19. | GccInlineAsm of location * specifier list * string list * asm_details option
and asm_details = {
  1. outputs : asm_IO list;
  2. inputs : asm_IO list;
  3. clobbers : string list;
  4. ad_labels : string list;
and asm_IO = {
  1. aIO_name : string option;
  2. constraints : string;
  3. expr : expression;
and access_kind =
  1. | Public
  2. | Protected
  3. | Private
and inheritance = {
  1. base : qualified_name;
  2. templated_kind : tkind;
  3. access : access_kind;
  4. is_virtual : vkind;
  5. vmt_position : int;
and class_decl =
  1. | CMethod of location * string * funkind * qual_type * arg_decl list * bool * statement list option * bool * tkind * bool * qual_type list option * function_contract option
  2. | CCompound of location * string * ckind * inheritance list option * class_decl list option * tkind * bool
  3. | CFieldDecl of location * string * qual_type * int option * bool
  4. | CTypedef of location * string * qual_type
  5. | CStaticConst of location * string * ikind * ickind * Stdlib.Int64.t
  6. | CEnum of location * string * ikind * compilation_constant list option
  7. | Class_annot of location * global_annotation
and decl_or_impl_name =
  1. | Declaration of string
  2. | Implementation of qualified_name
and translation_unit_decl =
  1. | Function of decl_or_impl_name * funkind * location * qual_type * arg_decl list * statement list option * bool * bool * bool * tkind * bool * qual_type list option * function_contract option
  2. | Compound of location * decl_or_impl_name * ckind * inheritance list option * class_decl list option * bool * tkind * bool * bool
  3. | GlobalVarDecl of location * decl_or_impl_name * qual_type * init_expr option * bool * bool
  4. | Typedef of location * decl_or_impl_name * qual_type * bool * bool
  5. | Namespace of location * string * translation_unit_decl list
  6. | StaticConst of location * string * ikind * ickind * Stdlib.Int64.t * bool * bool
  7. | EnumDecl of location * decl_or_impl_name * ikind * compilation_constant list option * bool * bool
  8. | GlobalAnnotation of location * global_annotation
and file = {
  1. filename : string;
  2. globals : translation_unit_decl list;
and logic_constant =
  1. | LCInt of string
  2. | LStr of string
  3. | LWStr of Stdlib.Int64.t list
  4. | LChr of int
  5. | LWChr of int
  6. | LCReal of string
  7. | LCEnum of Stdlib.Int64.t * qualified_name
and logic_type =
  1. | Lvoid
  2. | Linteger
  3. | Lreal
  4. | Lint of ikind
  5. | Lfloat of fkind
  6. | Larray of logic_type * logic_constant option
  7. | Lpointer of logic_type
  8. | Lreference of logic_type
  9. | Lenum of qualified_name
  10. | Lstruct of qualified_name * tkind
  11. | Lunion of qualified_name * tkind
  12. | LCnamed of qualified_name * bool
  13. | Lvariable of qualified_name
  14. | Lnamed of qualified_name * bool * logic_type list
  15. | Larrow of logic_type list * logic_type
and logic_label =
  1. | StmtLabel of string
  2. | LogicLabel of string
and term = {
  1. node : term_node;
  2. loc : location;
  3. names : string list;
and logic_label_pair = {
  1. fst : logic_label;
  2. snd : logic_label;
and term_node =
  1. | TConst of logic_constant
  2. | TLval of term_lval
  3. | TSizeOf of logic_type
  4. | TSizeOfStr of string
  5. | TUnOp of uokind * term
  6. | TBinOp of bokind * term * term
  7. | TCastE of logic_type * term
  8. | TAddrOf of term_lval
  9. | TStartOf of term_lval
  10. | TFieldAccess of term * term_offset
  11. | TFalse
  12. | TTrue
  13. | TApp of qualified_name * logic_label_pair list * term list * bool
  14. | TLambda of logic_var_def list * term
  15. | TDataCons of qualified_name * term list
  16. | TIf of term * term * term
  17. | TAt of term * logic_label
  18. | TBase_addr of logic_label option * term
  19. | TOffset of logic_label option * term
  20. | TBlock_length of logic_label option * term
  21. | TNull
  22. | TLogic_coerce of logic_type * term
  23. | TCoerce of term * logic_type
  24. | TCoerceE of term * term
  25. | TUpdate of term * term_offset * term
  26. | TEmpty_set
  27. | TUnion of term list
  28. | TInter of term list
  29. | TComprehension of term * logic_var_def list * predicate_named option
  30. | TRange of term option * term option
  31. | TLet of logic_info * term
and term_lval = {
  1. base_support : term_lhost;
  2. offset : term_offset;
and term_lhost =
  1. | TVar of logic_var
  2. | TCFun of qualified_name * signature
  3. | TResult of logic_type
  4. | TMem of term
and model_info = {
  1. model_name : string;
  2. field_type : logic_type;
  3. base_type : logic_type;
  4. decl : location;
and term_offset =
  1. | TNoOffset
  2. | TField of string * term_offset
  3. | TBase of qualified_name * tkind * term_offset
  4. | TVirtualBase of qualified_name * tkind * term_offset
  5. | TDerived of qualified_name * tkind * qualified_name * tkind * term_offset
  6. | TModel of string * term_offset
  7. | TIndex of term * term_offset
and logic_arg_decl = {
  1. la_type : logic_type;
  2. la_name : string;
and logic_info = {
  1. li_name : qualified_name;
  2. li_extern_c : bool;
  3. arg_labels : logic_label list;
  4. tparams : string list;
  5. returned_type : logic_type option;
  6. profile : logic_arg_decl list;
  7. fun_body : logic_body;
and inductive_definition = {
  1. def_name : string;
  2. labels : logic_label list;
  3. arguments : string list;
  4. def : predicate_named;
and logic_body =
  1. | LBnone
  2. | LBreads of term list
  3. | LBterm of term
  4. | LBpred of predicate_named
  5. | LBinductive of inductive_definition list
and logic_type_info = {
  1. type_name : qualified_name;
  2. logic_type_info_is_extern_c : bool;
  3. params : string list;
  4. definition : logic_type_def option;
and logic_type_def =
  1. | LTsum of logic_ctor_info list
  2. | LTsyn of logic_type
and logic_var_kind =
  1. | LVGlobal
  2. | LVCGlobal
  3. | LVCLocal
  4. | LVFormal
  5. | LVQuant
  6. | LVLocal
  7. | LVBuiltin
and logic_var_def = {
  1. logic_var_def_lv_name : qualified_name;
  2. lv_type : logic_type;
  3. logic_var_def_lv_kind : logic_var_kind;
and logic_var = {
  1. logic_var_lv_name : qualified_name;
  2. logic_var_lv_kind : logic_var_kind;
and logic_ctor_info = {
  1. ctor_name : qualified_name;
  2. logic_ctor_info_is_extern_c : bool;
  3. constype : qualified_name;
  4. ctor_params : logic_type list;
and relation =
  1. | Rlt
  2. | Rgt
  3. | Rle
  4. | Rge
  5. | Req
  6. | Rneq
and predicate =
  1. | Pfalse
  2. | Ptrue
  3. | PApp of qualified_name * logic_label_pair list * term list * bool
  4. | Pseparated of term list
  5. | Prel of relation * term * term
  6. | Pand of predicate_named * predicate_named
  7. | Por of predicate_named * predicate_named
  8. | Pxor of predicate_named * predicate_named
  9. | Pimplies of predicate_named * predicate_named
  10. | Piff of predicate_named * predicate_named
  11. | Pnot of predicate_named
  12. | Pif of term * predicate_named * predicate_named
  13. | Plet of logic_info * predicate_named
  14. | Pforall of logic_var_def list * predicate_named
  15. | Pexists of logic_var_def list * predicate_named
  16. | Pat of logic_label * predicate_named
  17. | Pvalid_function of term
  18. | Pvalid_read of logic_label option * term
  19. | Pvalid of logic_label option * term
  20. | Pinitialized of logic_label option * term
  21. | Pallocable of logic_label option * term
  22. | Pfreeable of logic_label option * term
  23. | Pfresh of logic_label option * logic_label option * term * term
  24. | Psubtype of term * term
and variant = {
  1. vbody : term;
  2. vname : string option;
and allocation =
  1. | FreeAlloc of term list * term list
  2. | FreeAllocAny
and deps =
  1. | From of term list
  2. | FromAny
and from = {
  1. floc : term;
  2. vars : deps;
and assigns =
  1. | WritesAny
  2. | Writes of from list
and function_contract = {
  1. behavior : behavior list;
  2. variant : variant option;
  3. terminates : predicate_named option;
  4. complete_behaviors : set_of_behaviors list;
  5. disjoint_behaviors : set_of_behaviors list;
and behavior = {
  1. beh_name : string;
  2. requires : predicate_named list;
  3. assumes : predicate_named list;
  4. post_cond : post_condition list;
  5. assignements : assigns;
  6. alloc : allocation;
  7. extended : behavior_extensions list;
and termination_kind =
  1. | Normal
  2. | Exits
  3. | Breaks
  4. | Continues
  5. | Returns
and loop_pragma =
  1. | Unroll_specs of term list
  2. | Widen_hints of term list
  3. | Widen_variables of term list
and slice_pragma =
  1. | SPexpr of term
  2. | SPctrl
  3. | SPstmt
and impact_pragma =
  1. | IPexpr of term
  2. | IPstmt
and pragma =
  1. | Loop_pragma of loop_pragma
  2. | Slice_pragma of slice_pragma
  3. | Impact_pragma of impact_pragma
and predicate_named = {
  1. pred_name : string list;
  2. pred_loc : location;
  3. pred_content : predicate;
and post_condition = {
  1. tkind : termination_kind;
  2. pred : predicate_named;
and behavior_extensions = {
  1. ext_name : string;
  2. identifier : int;
  3. predicates : predicate_named list;
and set_of_behaviors = {
  1. behaviors : string list;
and invariant_kind =
  1. | InvariantAsAssertion
  2. | NormalLoop
and code_annotation =
  1. | Assert of string list * predicate_named
  2. | StmtSpec of string list * function_contract
  3. | Invariant of string list * invariant_kind * predicate_named
  4. | Variant of variant
  5. | Assigns of string list * assigns
  6. | Allocation of string list * allocation
  7. | Pragma of pragma
and global_annotation =
  1. | Dfun_or_pred of location * logic_info
  2. | Dvolatile of location * term list * qualified_name option * qualified_name option
  3. | Daxiomatic of location * string * global_annotation list
  4. | Dtype of location * logic_type_info
  5. | Dlemma of location * string * bool * logic_label list * string list * predicate_named
  6. | Dinvariant of location * logic_info
  7. | Dtype_annot of location * logic_info
  8. | Dmodel_annot of location * model_info

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