package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
class printer : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> object ... end
val pp_file : message:string -> file:Frama_c_kernel.Filepath.Normalized.t -> unit
class type pattern = object ... end

never fails

val p_group : string -> string

Put pattern in group \(p\)

val p_int : string

Int group pattern \([0-9]+\)

val p_float : string

Float group pattern \([0-9.]+\)

val p_string : string

String group pattern "\(...\)"

val p_until_space : string

No space group pattern "\\(^ \t\n*\\)"

val location : string -> int -> Stdlib.Lexing.position
type logs = [
  1. | `OUT
  2. | `ERR
  3. | `BOTH
class virtual command : string -> object ... end
val server : ?procs:int -> unit -> Frama_c_kernel.Task.server

If provided, the number of procs is forwarded to the Why3 and the server

val schedule : 'a Frama_c_kernel.Task.task -> unit
val spawn : ?monitor:('a option -> unit) -> ?pool:Frama_c_kernel.Task.pool -> all:bool -> smoke:bool -> ('a * bool Frama_c_kernel.Task.task) list -> unit

Spawn all the tasks over the server and retain the first 'validated' one. The callback monitor is called with Some at first success, and None if none succeed. An option pool task can be passed to register the associated threads.


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