package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module creates and manages the "Values" panel on the lower notebook of the GUI. It mainly displays the values computed by the analysis for selected expressions and lvalues, and thus depends on the value abstractions used for the analysis. It is able to display different values by callstacks in a table, in accordance with the callstacks focused by the user (handled in

type 'v data_by_callstack = (Gui_types.gui_callstack * 'v Gui_eval.gui_selection_data) list
type 'v display_data_by_callstack = Gui_types.gui_loc -> Gui_types.gui_selection -> 'v data_by_callstack -> unit
module type Input = sig ... end

Creates the panel, attaches it to the lower notebook, and returns the display_by_callstack function allowing to display data on it. If a previous panel was previously created through this function, the new panel replaces it.

val reset : unit -> unit
val clear_default : unit -> unit
val focus_selection_tab : unit -> unit

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