package frama-c
Platform dedicated to the analysis of source code written in C
Dune Dependency
MMichele Alberti
TThibaud Antignac
GGergö Barany
PPatrick Baudin
TThibaut Benjamin
AAllan Blanchard
LLionel Blatter
FFrançois Bobot
RRichard Bonichon
QQuentin Bouillaguet
DDavid Bühler
ZZakaria Chihani
LLoïc Correnson
JJulien Crétin
PPascal Cuoq
ZZaynah Dargaye
BBasile Desloges
JJean-Christophe Filliâtre
PPhilippe Herrmann
MMaxime Jacquemin
FFlorent Kirchner
TTristan Le Gall
JJean-Christophe Léchenet
MMatthieu Lemerre
DDara Ly
DDavid Maison
CClaude Marché
AAndré Maroneze
TThibault Martin
FFonenantsoa Maurica
MMelody Méaulle
BBenjamin Monate
YYannick Moy
AAnne Pacalet
VValentin Perrelle
GGuillaume Petiot
DDario Pinto
VVirgile Prevosto
AArmand Puccetti
FFélix Ridoux
VVirgile Robles
MMuriel Roger
JJulien Signoles
NNicolas Stouls
KKostyantyn Vorobyov
BBoris Yakobowski
Most sources are LGPLv2.1, with some isolated exceptions for external libraries modified for Frama-C (BSD, QPL) in src/libraries Each source file contains its own header. See the licenses directory for the complete text of each license. Documentation is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. See doc/LICENSE for more information
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"