package forkwork

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Fork child processes to perform work on multiple cores.

ForkWork is intended for workloads that a master process can partition into independent jobs, each of which will typically take a while to execute (several seconds, or more). Also, the resulting values should not be too massive, since they must be marshalled for transmission back to the master process.

val ncores : unit -> int

Get the number of processors believed to be available. The library attempts to detect this at program startup (currently only works on Linux), and if that fails it defaults to 4.

val set_ncores : ?detect:bool -> int -> unit

Override the number of processors believed to be available.

  • parameter detect

    if set to true, attempt to detect the number of processors, and if that fails then use the provided value.

High-level interface

These map functions suffice for many use cases.

val map_list : ?maxprocs:int -> ?fail_fast:bool -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val map_array : ?maxprocs:int -> ?fail_fast:bool -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array

Map a list or array, forking one child process per item to map. In general, the result type 'b should not include anything that's difficult to marshal, including functions, exceptions, weak arrays, or custom values from C bindings.

If a child process ends with an exception, the master process waits for any other running child processes to exit, and then raises an exception to the caller. However, the exception raised to the caller may not be the same one raised in the child process (see below). If multiple child processes end with exceptions, it is undefined which one the caller learns about. Once any exception is detected, no new child processes will be forked.

  • parameter maxprocs

    maximum number of child processes to run at any one time (default ncores ()). ForkWork takes care of keeping maxprocs child processes running at steady-state, even if their individual runtimes vary.

  • parameter fail_fast

    if set to true, then as soon as any child process ends with an exception, SIGTERM is sent to all other child processes, and the exception is raised to the caller once they all exit.

exception ChildExn of string list

Due to limitations of OCaml's marshalling capabilities, communication of exceptions from a child process to the master process is tightly restricted:

  • If the child process raises ForkWork.ChildExn lst, the same exception is re-raised in the master process. You can put any information you want into the string list, including marshalled values.
  • If the child process ends with any other exception exn, the master process sees either ForkWork.ChildExn ["_"; Printexc.to_string exn] or ForkWork.ChildExn ["_"; Printexc.to_string exn; Printexc.get_backtrace ()], depending on the status of Printexc.backtrace_status ().
  • It follows that if you're raising ChildExn with information to be interpreted by the master process, you probably should not put the string "_" as the first element of the list.

Another, more type-safe option is to encode errors in the result type instead of raising an exception. The disadvantage of this is that ForkWork would still proceed with running all the remaining map operations.

Lower-level interface

The lower-level interface provides much more control over child process scheduling and result retrieval. For example, the master process does not have to be blocked while child processes are running, and the result of any individual child process can be retrieved as soon as it finishes.


type 'a mgr

The type of a ForkWork manager for a particular result type

type 'a result = [
  1. | `OK of 'a
  2. | `Exn of string list

A child process can either complete successfully with a result or end with an exception, as described above.

type job

An abstract value representing a forked child process

Forking child processes

val manager : ?maxprocs:int -> unit -> 'a mgr

Create a job manager.

  • parameter maxprocs

    the maximum number of child processes the manager will permit at any one time (default ncores ())

val fork : ?prepare:(unit -> unit) -> ?nonblocking:bool -> 'a mgr -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'b -> job

ForkWork.fork mgr f x forks a child process to compute (f x). If the manager already has maxprocs outstanding jobs, then by default fork blocks until one of them exits.

  • parameter prepare

    actions to be performed immediately before invoking Unix.fork. The default actions are to flush stdout and stderr, and Gc.full_major ().

  • parameter nonblocking

    if set to true and there are already maxprocs outstanding jobs, fork raises Busy instead of blocking. The low-level interface doesn't provide a way to "enqueue" an arbitrary number of jobs, but it's straightforward to layer such logic on top.

exception Busy

raised by fork iff ~nonblocking:true and the manager already has maxprocs outstanding child processes

Retrieving results

val result : ?keep:bool -> 'a mgr -> job -> 'a result option

Non-blocking query for the result of a job. By default, if a result is returned, then it is also removed from the job manager's memory, such that future calls with the same job would raise Not_found.

  • returns

    None if the job is still running. There are no side effects in this case.

  • raises Not_found

    if the job is not known to the manager

  • parameter keep

    setting to true keeps the result in the job manager's memory, so that it can be retrieved again. The result cannot be garbage-collected unless it is later removed.

val any_result : ?keep:bool -> 'a mgr -> (job * 'a result) option

Non-blocking query for any available result.

Repeated calls to any_result with ~keep:true may return the same result.

val await_result : ?keep:bool -> 'a mgr -> job -> 'a result

Get the result of the job, blocking the caller until it's available.

val await_any_result : ?keep:bool -> 'a mgr -> job * 'a result

Get the result of any job, blocking the caller until one is available.

Repeated calls to await_any_result with ~keep:true may return the same result.

  • raises Idle

    if no results are available and there are no outstanding jobs

exception Idle

raised by await_any_result iff no results are available and there are no outstanding jobs

val await_all : 'a mgr -> unit

Block the caller until all outstanding jobs are done. The results of the jobs are still stored in the manager's memory, and can be retrieved as above.

val ignore_results : 'a mgr -> unit

Convenience function for child processes launched just for side-effects: for each result currently available in the job manager's memory, remove it therefrom; and if it's an exception result, raise ChildExn. The result values are lost! This function never blocks; results from any still-running child processes remain pending.

exception IPC_Failure of job * exn

Any of the result retrieval functions might raise IPC_Failure if an exception occurs while trying to receive a result from a child process. This is a severe internal error, and it's probably reasonable to clean up and abort the entire program if it occurs. Possible causes include:

  • Child process segfaults or is killed
  • System out of memory
  • System out of disk space
  • Corruption of certain temp files

Killing jobs

val kill : ?wait:bool -> 'a mgr -> job -> unit

Kill a job. The job is removed from the manager's memory and the child process is sent SIGTERM if it's still running.

  • parameter wait

    if set to true, wait for the child process to exit before returning.

val kill_all : ?wait:bool -> 'a mgr -> unit

Kill all outstanding jobs, and also remove all results from the job manager's memory. This effectively resets the job manager.

General restrictions

The master process SHOULD NOT:

  • fork a new child process while multiple threads exist
  • call ForkWork functions concurrently from multiple threads. Excepting the previous point, calling ForkWork functions from multiple threads is OK if protected by a single mutex for all job managers.
  • use Sys.command, Unix.fork, Unix.wait, or Unix.waitpid from multiple threads at any time. Using them in a single-threaded program is possible with the following restriction: if you fork your own child processes and subsequently wait/waitpid for them, you should not interleave any ForkWork functions in between those two steps. (Sys.command always satisfies this restriction in a single-threaded program.)
  • allow a ForkWork manager to be garbage-collected while it still has child processes running

Child processes SHOULD NOT:

  • use Unix.fork or Unix.exec* independently of each other (fork-exec and Sys.command are OK)
  • use any ForkWork-related state adopted from the master process
  • do anything you typically can't do from a forked child process, e.g. mutate global state and expect it to be reflected in the parent process
  • neglect to do any of the typical chores that may be required of a forked child process, e.g. closing sockets that were open in the master at the fork point (if they need to be closed promptly)

Lastly, there's a pedantic chance of ForkWork operations hanging or sending SIGTERM to the wrong process if/when the kernel recycles process IDs. Do not use ForkWork for avionics, nuclear equipment, etc.


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