package flow_parser

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Block : sig ... end
module If : sig ... end
module Labeled : sig ... end
module Break : sig ... end
module Continue : sig ... end
module With : sig ... end
module TypeAlias : sig ... end
module Switch : sig ... end
module Return : sig ... end
module Throw : sig ... end
module Try : sig ... end
module VariableDeclaration : sig ... end
module While : sig ... end
module DoWhile : sig ... end
module For : sig ... end
module ForIn : sig ... end
module ForOf : sig ... end
module Let : sig ... end
module Interface : sig ... end
module DeclareVariable : sig ... end
module DeclareFunction : sig ... end
module DeclareModule : sig ... end
module ExportDeclaration : sig ... end
module DeclareExportDeclaration : sig ... end
module ImportDeclaration : sig ... end
module Expression : sig ... end
type t = Loc.t * t'
and t' =
  1. | Empty
  2. | Block of Block.t
  3. | Expression of Expression.t
  4. | If of If.t
  5. | Labeled of Labeled.t
  6. | Break of Break.t
  7. | Continue of Continue.t
  8. | With of With.t
  9. | TypeAlias of TypeAlias.t
  10. | Switch of Switch.t
  11. | Return of Return.t
  12. | Throw of Throw.t
  13. | Try of Try.t
  14. | While of While.t
  15. | DoWhile of DoWhile.t
  16. | For of For.t
  17. | ForIn of ForIn.t
  18. | ForOf of ForOf.t
  19. | Let of Let.t
  20. | Debugger
  21. | FunctionDeclaration of Function.t
  22. | VariableDeclaration of VariableDeclaration.t
  23. | ClassDeclaration of Class.t
  24. | InterfaceDeclaration of Interface.t
  25. | DeclareVariable of DeclareVariable.t
  26. | DeclareFunction of DeclareFunction.t
  27. | DeclareClass of Interface.t
  28. | DeclareModule of DeclareModule.t
  29. | DeclareModuleExports of Type.annotation
  30. | DeclareExportDeclaration of DeclareExportDeclaration.t
  31. | ExportDeclaration of ExportDeclaration.t
  32. | ImportDeclaration of ImportDeclaration.t

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