package flock

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include Unsigned.Infix with type t := t
val (+) : t -> t -> t

Addition. See add.

val (-) : t -> t -> t

Subtraction. See sub.

val (*) : t -> t -> t

Multiplication. See mul.

val (/) : t -> t -> t

Division. See div.

val (mod) : t -> t -> t

Integer remainder. See rem.

val (land) : t -> t -> t

Bitwise logical and. See logand.

val (lor) : t -> t -> t

Bitwise logical or. See logor.

val (lxor) : t -> t -> t

Bitwise logical exclusive or. See logxor.

val (lsl) : t -> int -> t

x lsl y shifts x to the left by y bits. See shift_left.

val (lsr) : t -> int -> t

x lsr y shifts x to the right by y bits. See shift_right.

val (asr) : t -> int -> t

x asr y shifts x to the right by y bits. See shift_right.


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