package fix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Algorithmic building blocks for memoization, recursion, and more


Dune Dependency







  • New modules Fix.Partition and Fix.Minimize. (Contributed by Frédéric Bour; reviewed by François Pottier.)

  • New module Fix.Enum. The API of this module is not stable yet and is likely to change in the future. This could have indirect impact on users of Fix.Minimize, whose API involves the type enum.

  • New functionality and minor changes in Fix.Indexing. (Contributed by Frédéric Bour; reviewed by François Pottier.)

    • New functions is_fixed, equal, assert_equal.

    • New function rev_iter.

    • When faced with an invalid argument, of_int now raises Invalid_argument instead of Assert_failure.

  • New functionality and minor changes in Fix.Indexing.Vector. (Contributed by Frédéric Bour; reviewed by François Pottier.)

    • The type ('n, 'a) vector is no longer a private type: it is now an abstract type. Thus, it can no longer be coerced to 'a array. Instead, the new function as_array is provided for this purpose.

    • In the reverse direction, the new function of_array converts an array to a vector, with a dynamic check, while the new functor Of_array also converts an array to a vector, without a dynamic check. of_array is used when the length of the array already has received a type-level name, while Of_array is used when one wishes to create a fresh type-level name to stand for this length.

    • New functions mapi, copy, iter, iteri, iter2, fold_left, fold_right, to_list, sort. These functions are aliases for the functions by the same names in the module Array.

    • New functions fold_left2 and fold_right2.

    • New function invert.

  • Restrict the type of Fix.Indexing.Vector.empty, which was too general and would allow out-of-bounds accesses into an empty vector. (Contributed by Frédéric Bour.)


  • The functor Memoize.Make now requires just MINIMAL_IMPERATIVE_MAPS instead of IMPERATIVE_MAPS, which was needlessly strong.

  • The functor Glue.WeakHashTablesAsImperativeMaps now provides only MINIMAL_IMPERATIVE_MAPS instead of IMPERATIVE_MAPS. This change is made for compatibility with the new ephemeron API in OCaml 5.


  • Improved documentation.


  • The new module CompactQueue offers a minimalist mutable FIFO queue. It is comparable with OCaml's Queue module. In comparison with Queue, it uses a more compact internal representation: elements are stored contiguously in a circular array. This has a positive impact on performance: both time and memory consumption are reduced. This data structure is optimized for maximum throughput. (Contributed by Frédéric Bour, reviewed by François Pottier.)

  • The new functor DataFlow.ForCustomMaps offers a forward data flow analysis that is tuned for greater performance. (Contributed by Frédéric Bour, reviewed by François Pottier.)

  • The new module Indexing offers a safe API for manipulating indices into fixed-size arrays. This API involves some dynamic checks as well as static type checks, thereby (hopefully) greatly reducing the risk of confusion in code that uses many arrays and many indices into these arrays. (Contributed by Frédéric Bour, reviewed by François Pottier.)

  • In DataFlow, allow the function foreach_root (which is part of the signature DATA_FLOW_GRAPH) to call contribute x _ several times at a single root x.


  • New module DataFlow, which performs a forward data flow analysis over a directed graph. (Such a computation could previously be performed by using the generic solver Fix.Make, but it was somewhat awkward to write, as it required access to predecessors. The new algorithm is easier to use and is more efficient.)

  • In Memoize, new combinator curried, which can be used in combination with fix or defensive_fix. Thus, for instance, curried fix is a fixed point combinator that constructs a memoizing two-argument curried function.


  • In Gensym, new abstract type generator, with three functions generator, fresh, and current.

  • In Memoize, new function visibly_memoize, which not only returns a memoized function, but also provides outside access to the memoization table.

  • New signatures ONGOING_NUMBERING and TWO_PHASE_NUMBERING and new module Numbering, which provides facilities for numbering things.

  • Breaking change: the module Fix.Number is renamed Fix.GraphNumbering.


  • New release, including new modules (Gensym, Memoize, Tabulate, Number, HashCons, Prop, Glue), new convenience functors (Fix.ForHashedType, etc.), and new demos. The least-fixed-point computation algorithm is unchanged.


  • Initial release of the package, containing just Fix.Make, the least-fixed-point computation algorithm.


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