package ez_subst

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Easy Substitutions in Strings

ez_subst provides simple functions to perform substitutions of expressions in strings. By default, expressions are recognized as ${expr} (brace substitution), $(expr) (paren substitution), $[expr] (bracket substitution) and $azAZ_09 (var substitution), but it can be further customized by:

  • changing the separator sep (default is '$')
  • using a symmetric notation sym (default is false, whereas true means '${ident}$'.)

Recursion is allowed in substitutions, i.e. "$(x$(y))" will perform first the substitution "$(y)", returning "z" for example, and then "$(xz)".

Escaping is done using '\\', i.e. any character preceeded by a backslash is printed as itself, and not interpreted as a beginning or ending separator for expression. Escaping can be controled using the escape argument, a reference that can be turned to true or false even during the substitution.

If fail is true (default), string and buffer will raise an exception UnclosedExpression if they cannot match the end of an expression, string_from_list will fail with UnknownExpression if a substitution is not found. If fail is false, they will try to substitute the broken expression or just replace it by itself (without the parens).


open Ez_subst.V1 (* versionned interface *)

      let s = EZ_SUBST.string ~brace:(fun ctxt n -> string_of_int
     (ctxt + int_of_string n)) ~ctxt:3 "${4} ${5}"

      let s = EZ_SUBST.string ~sep:'!'  ~paren:(fun () s ->
     String.uppercase s) ~ctxt:() "!(abc) !(def)"

      let s = EZ_SUBST.string ~sym:true ~sep:'%' ~brace:(fun ctxt_ s
     -> ctxt ^ " " ^ s) ~ctxt:"Hello" "%{John}% %{Sandy}%"

      let s = EZ_SUBST.string_from_list ~default:"unknown" [ "name",
     "Doe"; "surname", "John" ] "${name} $(surname) is missing"
type 'context t = 'context -> string -> string

The type for functions performing the translation from ident to its replacement. 'context is some information, that is from the initial call to the substitution.

exception UnclosedExpression of string

The only exception that may be raised by substitutions: it indicates that the end of the expression could not be found, unless ~fail:false is specified.

val string : ?sep:char -> ?sym:bool -> ?fail:bool -> ?escape:bool ref -> ?skipper:bool list ref -> ?brace:'context t -> ?paren:'context t -> ?bracket:'context t -> ?var:'context t -> ctxt:'context -> string -> string

string f context s performs substitutions on s following f, passing the context context to f for every expression, returning the result as a string.

val buffer : ?sep:char -> ?sym:bool -> ?fail:bool -> ?escape:bool ref -> ?skipper:bool list ref -> ?brace:'context t -> ?paren:'context t -> ?bracket:'context t -> ?var:'context t -> ctxt:'context -> Buffer.t -> string -> unit

buffer f b context s performs substitutions on s following f, passing the context context to f for every expression, returning the result by appending it to the buffer b.

Note that modifications are not atomic, so if an exception is raised during the substitution, the buffer might have been modified.

exception UnknownExpression of string

This exception can be raised by string_from_list if an expression is not found in the list, no default has been specified and fail is true.

val string_from_list : ?sep:char -> ?sym:bool -> ?fail:bool -> ?brace:bool -> ?paren:bool -> ?bracket:bool -> ?var:bool -> ?default:string -> (string * string) list -> string -> string

Substitute expression using a list of associations. A default can be speciifed if an expression is not found in the list. Brace, paren, bracket and var substitutions are all activated by default, and can be deactivated by booleans.


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