Module type
Class type
Functions for the option type.
Options are an Ocaml standard type that can be either None (undefined) or Some x where x can be any value. Options are widely used in Ocaml to represent undefined values (a little like NULL in C, but in a type and memory safe way). This module adds some functions for working with options.
val may : ('a-> unit)->'a option-> unit
may f (Some x) calls f x and may f None does nothing.
val map : ('a->'b)->'a option->'b option
map f (Some x) returns Some (f x) and map None returns None.
val default : 'a->'a option->'a
default x (Some v) returns v and default x None returns x.
val map_default : ('a->'b)->'b->'a option->'b
map_default f x (Some v) returns f v and map_default f x None returns x.
val is_none : 'a option-> bool
is_none None returns true otherwise it returns false.
val is_some : 'a option-> bool
is_some (Some x) returns true otherwise it returns false.
val get : 'a option->'a
get (Some x) returns x and get None raises No_value.