Module type
Class type
Representation of Event RSS channels and queries.
val url_of_string : string -> Uri.t
val string_of_url : Uri.t -> string
val base_url : Uri.t
The base URL used for namespace of event fields in RSS channels.
An event is represented by additional information in nodes under the <item>
XML nodes. These additional nodes are prefixed by a namespace (to be valid RSS extension). This namespace must be associated to the base_url
type event = {
ev_link : Uri.t option;
ev_level : event_level option;
ev_type : event_type option;
ev_keywords : string list;
ev_speakers : string list;
ev_organizers : string list;
ev_location : location option;
ev_start : Ptime.t option;
ev_end : Ptime.t option;
ev_audience : string option;
val event :
?link:Uri.t ->
?level:event_level ->
?typ:event_type ->
?keywords:string list ->
?speakers:string list ->
?organizers:string list ->
?location:location ->
?start_date:Ptime.t ->
?end_date:Ptime.t ->
?audience:string ->
unit ->
type item = event Rss.item_t
type channel = (unit, event) Rss.channel_t
Filters allow to keep only some items of an Event RSS channel.
type filter_exp =
| Not of filter_exp
| Or of filter_exp list
| And of filter_exp list
| Contains of string * contains_connector * Str.regexp list
| StartDate of Ptime.t option * Ptime.t option
(after (inclusive), before (exclusive))
*)| EndDate of Ptime.t option * Ptime.t option
(after (inclusive), before (exclusive))
*)A query is composed of source RSS channels, an optional target RSS channel and an optional filter. The sources and the optional target will merged, then the filter will be be applied on the merge result to keep only selected items.
If the source if indicated with a url, additional event information can be specified for this source. In this case, this information is used to complete the event information of each item of the source channel. A typical example is to add default keywords for all items of a source channel.
The target channel is used as base channel: all its information (title, link, description, ...) is kept (except items which are processed as described above).
If no target channel is given, then the first source is used as base channel. If no source and no target is given, this is considered as an error.
The structure to compute is indicated by the "type" attribute of the "<query>" top node of the query XML document. "type" can be:
to indicate that computing the query will return a new Event RSS containing (eventually filtered) items,"text/calendar"
to indicate that the merged channel must be converted to the Ical format.A source can be a channel given directly in a <source>
node, or it can be a URL, given in the "href" attribute of the <source>
node. In the latter case, the channel will be fetched from this URL (using Curl library).
A query can be asked to return a new channel, a calendar or debug information, i.e. text information, for example errors encountered while parsing source and target channels.
type query_result =
| Res_channel of channel
| Res_ical of string
| Res_debug of string
| Res_xtmpl of Xtmpl.Rewrite.tree
This is the result computed from a query. A calendar is just the string in the Ical format.
type query = {
q_type : query_return_type;
q_sources : source list;
q_target : source option;
q_filter : filter option;
q_tmpl : Xtmpl.Rewrite.tree option;