package erm_xmpp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module X : XMPP.S


val ns_vcard : string option
type n = {
  1. family : string;
  2. given : string;
  3. middle : string;
  4. prefix : string;
  5. suffix : string;
type image =
  1. | Binval of string * string
  2. | Extval of string
type dst_t =
  1. | DOM
  2. | INTL
type adr = {
  1. adr_home : bool;
  2. adr_work : bool;
  3. adr_postal : bool;
  4. adr_parcel : bool;
  5. adr_dst : dst_t option;
  6. adr_pref : bool;
  7. pobox : string;
  8. extadd : string;
  9. street : string;
  10. locality : string;
  11. region : string;
  12. pcode : string;
  13. ctry : string;
type label = {
  1. label_home : bool;
  2. label_work : bool;
  3. label_postal : bool;
  4. label_parcel : bool;
  5. label_dst : dst_t option;
  6. label_pref : bool;
  7. line : string list;
type tel = {
  1. tel_home : bool;
  2. tel_work : bool;
  3. tel_voice : bool;
  4. tel_fax : bool;
  5. tel_pager : bool;
  6. tel_msg : bool;
  7. tel_cell : bool;
  8. tel_video : bool;
  9. tel_bbs : bool;
  10. tel_modem : bool;
  11. tel_isdn : bool;
  12. tel_pcs : bool;
  13. tel_pref : bool;
  14. number : string;
type email = {
  1. email_home : bool;
  2. email_work : bool;
  3. email_internet : bool;
  4. email_pref : bool;
  5. email_x400 : bool;
  6. userid : string;
type class_t =
  1. | Public
  2. | Private
  3. | Confidential
type geo = {
  1. lat : string;
  2. lon : string;
type org = {
  1. orgname : string;
  2. orgunit : string;
type sound =
  1. | Phonetic of string
  2. | SoundBinval of string
  3. | SoundExtval of string
type field =
  1. | Nickname of string
  2. | Photo of image
  3. | BDay of string
  4. | Adr of adr
  5. | Label of label
  6. | Tel of tel
  7. | Email of email
  8. | JabberID of string
  9. | Mailer of string
  10. | TZ of string
  11. | GEO of geo
  12. | Title of string
  13. | Role of string
  14. | Agent of agent_t
  15. | Org of org
  16. | Categories of string list
  17. | Note of string
  18. | ProdID of string
  19. | REV of string
  20. | SortString of string
  21. | Sound of sound
  22. | UID of string
  23. | URL of string
  24. | Class of class_t
  25. | Key of string * string
  26. | Desc of string
and agent_t =
  1. | VCard of vcard
  2. | AgentExtval of string
and vcard = {
  1. fn : string;
  2. n : n;
  3. fields : field list;
val encode_n : n -> Xml.element
val encode_adr : adr -> Xml.element
val encode_label : label -> Xml.element
val encode_tel : tel -> Xml.element
val encode_email : email -> Xml.element
val encode : vcard -> Xml.element
val decode_categories : Xml.element list -> string list
val decode_n : Xml.element list -> n
val decode_adr : Xml.element list -> adr option
val decode_label : Xml.element list -> label option
val decode_tel : Xml.element list -> tel option
val decode_email : Xml.element list -> email option
val decode_image : Xml.element list -> image option
val decode_geo : Xml.element list -> geo option
val decode_org : Xml.element list -> org option
val decode_key : Xml.element list -> (string * string) option
val decode_class : Xml.element list -> class_t option
val decode_sound : Xml.element list -> sound option
val decode : Xml.element -> vcard
val decode_agent : Xml.element list -> agent_t option
val make_iq_get : unit -> Xml.element

Innovation. Community. Security.