package encore

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module type VALUE = sig ... end
module RBQ (Value : VALUE) : sig ... end
type bigstring = (char, Stdlib.Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Stdlib.Bigarray.c_layout) Stdlib.Bigarray.Array1.t
type 'a blitter = 'a -> int -> bigstring -> int -> int -> unit
val pp_chr : char Fmt.t
val pp_scalar : get:('buffer -> int -> char) -> length:('buffer -> int) -> 'buffer Fmt.t
val pp_string : string Fmt.t
val pp_bytes : Stdlib.Bytes.t Fmt.t
val pp_bigstring : bigstring Fmt.t
module RBA : sig ... end
module Buffer : sig ... end
module IOVec : sig ... end
type encoder
val pp : encoder Fmt.t
type 'v state =
  1. | Flush of {
    1. continue : int -> 'v state;
    2. iovecs : IOVec.t list;
  2. | Continue of {
    1. continue : encoder -> 'v state;
    2. encoder : encoder;
  3. | End of 'v
val create : int -> encoder
val shift_buffers : int -> encoder -> IOVec.t list * encoder
val shift_flushes : int -> encoder -> encoder
val shift : int -> encoder -> IOVec.t list * encoder
val has : encoder -> int
val drain : int -> encoder -> encoder
val flush : (encoder -> 'value state) -> encoder -> 'value state
val continue : (encoder -> 'value state) -> encoder -> 'value state
val schedule : (encoder -> 'r state) -> length:('v -> int) -> buffer:('v -> Buffer.t) -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'v -> encoder -> 'r state
val schedule_string : (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> 'r state
val schedule_bytes : (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> 'r state
val schedule_bigstring : (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bigstring -> 'r state
val schedulev : (encoder -> 'r state) -> ((Buffer.t -> int) * int option * int option * Buffer.t) list -> encoder -> 'r state
val schedulev_bigstring : (encoder -> 'r state) -> bigstring list -> encoder -> 'r state
val write : (encoder -> 'r state) -> blit:'v blitter -> length:('v -> int) -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'v -> encoder -> 'r state
val writev : (encoder -> 'r state) -> ('v blitter * ('v -> int) * int option * int option * 'v) list -> encoder -> 'r state
val bigarray_blit_from_string : string blitter
val bigarray_blit_from_bytes : Stdlib.Bytes.t blitter
val bigarray_blit : bigstring blitter
val write_string : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> 'r state
val write_bytes : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> 'r state
val write_bigstring : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bigstring -> (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> 'r state
val write_char : char -> (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> 'r state
val write_uint8 : int -> (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> 'r state
module type SE = sig ... end
module LE : SE
module BE : SE

Innovation. Community. Security.