package elpi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val id_term : Elpi_util.Util.UUID.t
type 'unification_def stuck_goal_kind = ..
val pp_stuck_goal_kind : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> unit
val show_stuck_goal_kind : 'a -> 'b -> string
val equal_stuck_goal_kind : 'a -> 'b -> 'b -> bool
type stuck_goal_kind +=
  1. | Unification of 'unification_def
type arg_mode = Elpi_util.Util.arg_mode =
  1. | Input
  2. | Output
val show_arg_mode : arg_mode -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val compare_arg_mode : arg_mode -> arg_mode ->
type mode_aux = Elpi_util.Util.mode_aux =
  1. | Fo of arg_mode
  2. | Ho of arg_mode * mode
and mode = mode_aux list
val show_mode_aux : mode_aux -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val compare_mode_aux : mode_aux -> mode_aux ->
val compare_mode : mode -> mode ->
type ttype =
  1. | TConst of Elpi_util.Util.constant
  2. | TApp of Elpi_util.Util.constant * ttype * ttype list
  3. | TPred of bool * (arg_mode * ttype) list
  4. | TArr of ttype * ttype
  5. | TCData of Elpi_util.Util.CData.t
  6. | TLam of ttype
val compare_ttype : ttype -> ttype ->
type term =
  1. | Const of Elpi_util.Util.constant
  2. | Lam of term
  3. | App of Elpi_util.Util.constant * term * term list
  4. | Cons of term * term
  5. | Nil
  6. | Discard
  7. | Builtin of Elpi_util.Util.constant * term list
  8. | CData of Elpi_util.Util.CData.t
  9. | UVar of uvar_body * int * int
  10. | AppUVar of uvar_body * int * term list
  11. | Arg of int * int
  12. | AppArg of int * term list
and uvar_body = {
  1. mutable contents : term;
  2. mutable uid_private : int;
val show_uvar_body : uvar_body -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val compare_term : term -> term ->
val compare_uvar_body : uvar_body -> uvar_body ->
val cons2tcons : ?loc:Elpi_util.Util.Loc.t -> term -> ttype
val uvar_id : uvar_body -> int
val uvar_is_a_blocker : uvar_body -> bool
val uvar_isnt_a_blocker : uvar_body -> bool
val uvar_set_blocker : uvar_body -> unit
val uvar_unset_blocker : uvar_body -> unit
type clause = {
  1. depth : int;
  2. args : term list;
  3. hyps : term list;
  4. vars : int;
  5. mode : mode;
  6. loc : Elpi_util.Util.Loc.t option;
  7. mutable timestamp : int list;
val show_clause : clause -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val compare_clause : clause -> clause ->
val get_arg_mode : mode_aux -> arg_mode
val to_mode : bool -> mode_aux
type grafting_time = int list
val show_grafting_time : grafting_time -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val compare_grafting_time : grafting_time -> grafting_time ->
val compare_constant : Elpi_util.Util.constant -> Elpi_util.Util.constant -> int
val compare_times : times -> times ->
type stuck_goal = {
  1. mutable blockers : blockers;
  2. kind : unification_def stuck_goal_kind;
and blockers = uvar_body list
and unification_def = {
  1. adepth : int;
  2. env : term array;
  3. bdepth : int;
  4. a : term;
  5. b : term;
  6. matching : bool;
and clause_src = {
  1. hdepth : int;
  2. hsrc : term;
and prolog_prog = {
  1. src : clause_src list;
  2. index : index;
and clause_list = clause Bl.t
and index = first_lvl_idx
and first_lvl_idx = {
  1. idx : second_lvl_idx Ptmap.t;
  2. time : int;
  3. times : times;
and second_lvl_idx =
  1. | TwoLevelIndex of {
    1. mode : mode;
    2. argno : int;
    3. all_clauses : clause_list;
    4. flex_arg_clauses : clause_list;
    5. arg_idx : clause_list Ptmap.t;
  2. | BitHash of {
    1. mode : mode;
    2. args : int list;
    3. args_idx : clause_list Ptmap.t;
  3. | IndexWithDiscriminationTree of {
    1. mode : mode;
    2. arg_depths : int list;
    3. args_idx : clause Discrimination_tree.t;
val show_stuck_goal : stuck_goal -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_blockers : blockers -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_unification_def : unification_def -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_clause_src : clause_src -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_prolog_prog : prolog_prog -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_clause_list : clause_list -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_first_lvl_idx : first_lvl_idx -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val show_second_lvl_idx : second_lvl_idx -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val stop : bool ref
val close_index : index -> index
type constraints = stuck_goal list
type hyps = clause_src list
type suspended_goal = {
  1. context : hyps;
  2. goal : int * term;
type indexing =
  1. | MapOn of int
  2. | Hash of int list
  3. | DiscriminationTree of int list

Used to index the parameters of a predicate P

  • MapOn N -> N-th argument at depth 1 (head symbol only)
  • Hash L -> L is the list of depths given by the urer for the parameters of P. Indexing is done by hashing all the parameters with a non zero depth and comparing it with the hashing of the parameters of the query
  • DiscriminationTree L -> we use the same logic of Hash, except we use DiscriminationTree to discriminate clauses
val show_indexing : indexing -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val mkLam : term -> term
val mkApp : Elpi_util.Util.constant -> term -> term list -> term
val mkCons : term -> term -> term
val mkNil : term
val mkDiscard : term
val mkBuiltin : Elpi_util.Util.constant -> term list -> term
val mkCData : Elpi_util.Util.CData.t -> term
val mkUVar : uvar_body -> int -> int -> term
val mkAppUVar : uvar_body -> int -> term list -> term
val mkArg : int -> int -> term
val mkAppArg : int -> term list -> term
module C : sig ... end
val destConst : term -> Elpi_util.Util.constant
val oref : term -> uvar_body
val (!!) : uvar_body -> term
type env = term array
val empty_env : 'a array

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