package elpi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module SimpleTerm : sig ... end
type spill_info =
  1. | NoInfo
  2. | Main of int
  3. | Phantom of int
val show_spill_info : spill_info -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type t_ =
  1. | Impl of bool * t * t
  2. | Const of Scope.t * F.t
  3. | Discard
  4. | Var of F.t * t list
  5. | App of Scope.t * F.t * t * t list
  6. | Lam of (F.t * Scope.language) option * ScopedTypeExpression.e option * t
  7. | CData of Elpi_util.Util.CData.t
  8. | Spill of t * spill_info ref
  9. | Cast of t * ScopedTypeExpression.e
val lam : int
val app : int
val lvl_of : t_ -> int
val pretty : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pretty_ : Format.formatter -> t_ -> unit
val pretty_parens : lvl:int -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pretty_parens_lam : lvl:int -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val equal : ?types:bool -> t -> t -> bool
val compare : 'a -> 'b -> 'c
val in_scoped_term : t -> Elpi_util.Util.CData.t
val out_scoped_term : Elpi_util.Util.CData.t -> t
val is_scoped_term : Elpi_util.Util.CData.t -> bool
val of_simple_term : loc:Elpi_util.Util.Loc.t -> SimpleTerm.t_ -> t_
val of_simple_term_loc : SimpleTerm.t -> t
val unlock : t -> t_
val fresh : unit -> F.t
val rename : Scope.language -> F.t -> F.t -> t_ -> t_
val rename_loc : Scope.language -> F.t -> F.t -> t -> t
val beta : t -> t list -> t_
module QTerm : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.