package elpi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Flexible data is for unification variables. One can use Elpi's unification variables to represent the host equivalent, here the API the keep a link between the two.

module Elpi : sig ... end

key for Elpi's flexible data

module type Host = sig ... end
module Map (Host : Host) : sig ... end
module type Show = sig ... end

Example from Hol-light + elpi:

module UV2STV = FlexibleData.Map(struct
   type t = int
   let compare x y = x - y
   let pp fmt i = Format.fprintf fmt "%d" i
   let show = string_of_int

 let stv = ref 0
 let incr_get r = incr r; !r

 let record k state =
   State.update_return UV2STV.uvmap state (fun m ->
     try m, Stv ( k m)
     with Not_found ->
       let j = incr_get stv in
       UV2STV.add k j m, Stv j)

 (* The constructor name "uvar" is special and has to be used with the
    following Conversion.t *)

 let hol_pretype = AlgebraicData.declare {
   ty = TyName "pretype";
   doc = "The algebraic data type of pretypes";
   pp = (fun fmt t -> ...);
   constructors = [
        BS (fun (k,_) state -> record k state),
        M (fun ~ok ~ko _ -> ko ()))

In this way an Elpi term containig a variable X twice gets read back using Stv i for the same i.

val uvar : (Elpi.t * Data.term list) Conversion.t

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