package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val default_max_persistent_data_sessions_per_group : int ref
val default_max_service_sessions_per_group : int ref
val default_max_service_sessions_per_subnet : int ref
val default_max_volatile_data_sessions_per_group : int ref
val default_max_volatile_data_sessions_per_subnet : int ref
val default_max_persistent_data_tab_sessions_per_group : int ref
val default_max_service_tab_sessions_per_group : int ref
val default_max_volatile_data_tab_sessions_per_group : int ref
val default_secure_cookies : bool ref
val default_application_script : (bool * bool) ref
val default_cache_global_data : (Eliom_lib.Url.path * int) option ref
val default_html_content_type : string option ref
val default_ignored_get_params : (string * list ref
val default_ignored_post_params : (string * list ref
val default_omitpersistentstorage : Eliom_common.omitpersistentstorage_rule list option ref
val default_max_anonymous_services_per_subnet : int ref
val default_max_anonymous_services_per_session : int ref
val default_max_volatile_groups_per_site : int ref
module S : sig ... end
val create_sitedata : Ocsigen_extensions.virtual_hosts -> Eliom_lib.Url.path -> Ocsigen_extensions.config_info -> Eliom_common.sitedata
val parse_eliom_option : (([> `Client_process | `Session ] -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit) * ([> `Client_process | `Session ] -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit) * ([> `Client_process | `Session ] -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit) * ([> `Client_process | `Session ] -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (bool -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * ((bool * bool) -> unit) * ((Eliom_lib.Url.path * int) option -> unit) * (string -> unit) * ((string * -> unit) * ((string * -> unit) * (Eliom_common.omitpersistentstorage_rule list option -> unit)) -> Xml_light_types.xml -> unit
val parse_eliom_options : (([> `Client_process | `Session ] -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit) * ([> `Client_process | `Session ] -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit) * ([> `Client_process | `Session ] -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit) * ([> `Client_process | `Session ] -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (bool -> unit) * (int -> unit) * (int -> unit) * ((bool * bool) -> unit) * ((Eliom_lib.Url.path * int) option -> unit) * (string -> unit) * ((string * -> unit) * ((string * -> unit) * (Eliom_common.omitpersistentstorage_rule list option -> unit)) -> Xml_light_types.xml list -> Xml_light_types.xml list
val parse_global_config : Xml_light_types.xml list -> unit
val exception_during_eliommodule_loading : bool ref
val end_init : unit -> unit
val handle_init_exn : exn -> string
val site_init_ref : (unit -> unit) list ref
val register_site_init : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val config : Xml_light_types.xml list option ref
val config_in_tag : string ref
type module_to_load =
  1. | Files of string list
  2. | Name of string
val set_app_name : string -> unit
val site_init : bool ref -> unit
val update_sitedata : string -> Ocsigen_extensions.virtual_hosts -> Eliom_lib.Url.path -> Ocsigen_extensions.config_info -> Eliom_common.sitedata
val load_eliom_module : 'a -> module_to_load -> string -> Xml_light_types.xml list -> unit
val gen_nothing : unit -> 'a -> Ocsigen_extensions.answer Lwt.t
val default_module_action : 'a -> 'b
val set_timeout : (?full_st_name:Eliom_common.full_state_name -> ?cookie_level:[< Eliom_common.cookie_level ] as 'a -> recompute_expdates:bool -> bool -> bool -> Eliom_common.sitedata -> float option -> unit) -> Eliom_common.sitedata -> 'a -> Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy option -> float option -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.