package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type 'a elt = 'a elt
type doc = Html_types.html elt
type 'a attrib = 'a attrib
module Xml : sig ... end
type 'a wrap = 'a Xml.W.t
type 'a list_wrap = 'a Xml.W.tlist
type ('a, 'b) nullary = ?a:'a attrib list -> unit -> 'b elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) unary = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt wrap -> 'c elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) star = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt list_wrap -> 'c elt
module Info : Xml_sigs.Info
type uri = Xml.uri
val string_of_uri : (uri, string) Xml.W.ft
val uri_of_string : (string, uri) Xml.W.ft
val a_class : Html_types.nmtokens wrap -> [> `Class ] attrib
val a_user_data : Html_types.nmtoken -> Html_types.text wrap -> [> `User_data ] attrib
val a_id : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Id ] attrib
val a_title : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Title ] attrib
val a_xml_lang : Html_types.languagecode wrap -> [> `XML_lang ] attrib
val a_lang : Html_types.languagecode wrap -> [> `Lang ] attrib
val a_allowfullscreen : unit -> [> `Allowfullscreen ] attrib
val a_allowpaymentrequest : unit -> [> `Allowpaymentrequest ] attrib
val a_autocomplete : Html_types.autocomplete_option wrap -> [> `Autocomplete ] attrib
val a_async : unit -> [> `Async ] attrib
val a_autofocus : unit -> [> `Autofocus ] attrib
val a_autoplay : unit -> [> `Autoplay ] attrib
val a_muted : unit -> [> `Muted ] attrib
val a_crossorigin : [< `Anonymous | `Use_credentials ] wrap -> [> `Crossorigin ] attrib
val a_integrity : string wrap -> [> `Integrity ] attrib
val a_mediagroup : string wrap -> [> `Mediagroup ] attrib
val a_challenge : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Challenge ] attrib
val a_contenteditable : bool wrap -> [> `Contenteditable ] attrib
val a_contextmenu : Html_types.idref wrap -> [> `Contextmenu ] attrib
val a_controls : unit -> [> `Controls ] attrib
val a_dir : [< `Ltr | `Rtl ] wrap -> [> `Dir ] attrib
val a_draggable : bool wrap -> [> `Draggable ] attrib
val a_form : Html_types.idref wrap -> [> `Form ] attrib
val a_formaction : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Formaction ] attrib
val a_formenctype : Html_types.contenttype wrap -> [> `Formenctype ] attrib
val a_formnovalidate : unit -> [> `Formnovalidate ] attrib
val a_formtarget : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Formtarget ] attrib
val a_hidden : unit -> [> `Hidden ] attrib
val a_high : Html_types.float_number wrap -> [> `High ] attrib
val a_icon : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Icon ] attrib
val a_ismap : unit -> [> `Ismap ] attrib
val a_keytype : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Keytype ] attrib
val a_list : Html_types.idref wrap -> [> `List ] attrib
val a_loop : unit -> [> `Loop ] attrib
val a_low : Html_types.float_number wrap -> [> `High ] attrib
val a_max : Html_types.float_number wrap -> [> `Max ] attrib
val a_input_max : Html_types.number_or_datetime wrap -> [> `Input_Max ] attrib
val a_min : Html_types.float_number wrap -> [> `Min ] attrib
val a_input_min : Html_types.number_or_datetime wrap -> [> `Input_Min ] attrib
val a_inputmode : [< `Decimal | `Email | `None | `Numeric | `Search | `Tel | `Text | `Url ] wrap -> [> `Inputmode ] attrib
val a_novalidate : unit -> [> `Novalidate ] attrib
val a_open : unit -> [> `Open ] attrib
val a_optimum : Html_types.float_number wrap -> [> `Optimum ] attrib
val a_pattern : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Pattern ] attrib
val a_placeholder : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Placeholder ] attrib
val a_poster : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Poster ] attrib
val a_preload : [< `Audio | `Metadata | `None ] wrap -> [> `Preload ] attrib
val a_pubdate : unit -> [> `Pubdate ] attrib
val a_radiogroup : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Radiogroup ] attrib
val a_referrerpolicy : Html_types.referrerpolicy wrap -> [> `Referrerpolicy ] attrib
val a_required : unit -> [> `Required ] attrib
val a_reversed : unit -> [> `Reversed ] attrib
val a_sandbox : [< Html_types.sandbox_token ] list wrap -> [> `Sandbox ] attrib
val a_spellcheck : bool wrap -> [> `Spellcheck ] attrib
val a_scoped : unit -> [> `Scoped ] attrib
val a_seamless : unit -> [> `Seamless ] attrib
val a_sizes : (Html_types.number * Html_types.number) list option wrap -> [> `Sizes ] attrib
val a_span : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Span ] attrib
val a_srclang : Html_types.nmtoken wrap -> [> `XML_lang ] attrib
  • deprecated Use a_xml_lang instead.
type image_candidate = [
  1. | `Url of uri
  2. | `Url_pixel of uri * Html_types.float_number
  3. | `Url_width of uri * Html_types.number
val a_srcset : image_candidate list wrap -> [> `Srcset ] attrib
val a_img_sizes : Html_types.text list wrap -> [> `Img_sizes ] attrib
val a_start : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Start ] attrib
val a_step : Html_types.float_number option wrap -> [> `Step ] attrib
val a_translate : [< `No | `Yes ] wrap -> [> `Translate ] attrib
val a_wrap : [< `Hard | `Soft ] wrap -> [> `Wrap ] attrib
val a_version : Html_types.cdata wrap -> [> `Version ] attrib
val a_xmlns : [< `W3_org_1999_xhtml ] wrap -> [> `XMLns ] attrib
val a_manifest : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Manifest ] attrib
val a_cite : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Cite ] attrib
val a_xml_space : [< `Default | `Preserve ] wrap -> [> `XML_space ] attrib
val a_accesskey : Html_types.character wrap -> [> `Accesskey ] attrib
val a_charset : Html_types.charset wrap -> [> `Charset ] attrib
val a_accept_charset : Html_types.charsets wrap -> [> `Accept_charset ] attrib
val a_accept : Html_types.contenttypes wrap -> [> `Accept ] attrib
val a_href : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Href ] attrib
val a_hreflang : Html_types.languagecode wrap -> [> `Hreflang ] attrib
val a_download : string option wrap -> [> `Download ] attrib
val a_rel : Html_types.linktypes wrap -> [> `Rel ] attrib
val a_tabindex : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Tabindex ] attrib
val a_mime_type : Html_types.contenttype wrap -> [> `Mime_type ] attrib
val a_datetime : Html_types.cdata wrap -> [> `Datetime ] attrib
val a_action : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Action ] attrib
val a_checked : unit -> [> `Checked ] attrib
val a_cols : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Cols ] attrib
val a_enctype : Html_types.contenttype wrap -> [> `Enctype ] attrib
val a_label_for : Html_types.idref wrap -> [> `Label_for ] attrib
val a_for : Html_types.idref wrap -> [> `Label_for ] attrib
  • deprecated Use a_label_for
val a_output_for : Html_types.idrefs wrap -> [> `Output_for ] attrib
val a_for_list : Html_types.idrefs wrap -> [> `Output_for ] attrib
  • deprecated Use a_output_for
val a_maxlength : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Maxlength ] attrib
val a_minlength : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Minlength ] attrib
val a_method : [< `Get | `Post ] wrap -> [> `Method ] attrib
val a_formmethod : [< `Get | `Post ] wrap -> [> `Formmethod ] attrib
val a_multiple : unit -> [> `Multiple ] attrib
val a_name : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Name ] attrib
val a_rows : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Rows ] attrib
val a_selected : unit -> [> `Selected ] attrib
val a_size : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Size ] attrib
val a_src : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Src ] attrib
val a_input_type : [< `Button | `Checkbox | `Color | `Date | `Datetime | `Datetime_local | `Email | `File | `Hidden | `Image | `Month | `Number | `Password | `Radio | `Range | `Reset | `Search | `Submit | `Tel | `Text | `Time | `Url | `Week ] wrap -> [> `Input_Type ] attrib
val a_text_value : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Text_Value ] attrib
val a_int_value : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Int_Value ] attrib
val a_value : Html_types.cdata wrap -> [> `Value ] attrib
val a_float_value : Html_types.float_number wrap -> [> `Float_Value ] attrib
val a_disabled : unit -> [> `Disabled ] attrib
val a_readonly : unit -> [> `ReadOnly ] attrib
val a_button_type : [< `Button | `Reset | `Submit ] wrap -> [> `Button_Type ] attrib
val a_script_type : Html_types.script_type wrap -> [> `Script_type ] attrib
val a_command_type : [< `Checkbox | `Command | `Radio ] wrap -> [> `Command_Type ] attrib
val a_menu_type : [< `Context | `Toolbar ] wrap -> [> `Menu_Type ] attrib
val a_label : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Label ] attrib
val a_align : [< `Char | `Justify | `Left | `Right ] wrap -> [> `Align ] attrib
  • deprecated Use CSS text-align
val a_axis : Html_types.cdata wrap -> [> `Axis ] attrib
  • deprecated Not supported in HTML5
val a_colspan : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Colspan ] attrib
val a_headers : Html_types.idrefs wrap -> [> `Headers ] attrib
val a_rowspan : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Rowspan ] attrib
val a_scope : [< `Col | `Colgroup | `Row | `Rowgroup ] wrap -> [> `Scope ] attrib
  • deprecated Not supported in HTML5
val a_summary : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Summary ] attrib
  • deprecated Move content elsewhere or to a <caption> child
val a_border : Html_types.pixels wrap -> [> `Border ] attrib
  • deprecated Use CSS border and/or border-width
val a_rules : [< `All | `Cols | `Groups | `None | `Rows ] wrap -> [> `Rules ] attrib
  • deprecated Use CSS border
val a_char : Html_types.character wrap -> [> `Char ] attrib
  • deprecated The char attribute is not supported in HTML5
val a_alt : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Alt ] attrib
val a_height : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Height ] attrib
val a_width : Html_types.number wrap -> [> `Width ] attrib
type shape = [
  1. | `Circle
  2. | `Default
  3. | `Poly
  4. | `Rect
val a_shape : shape wrap -> [> `Shape ] attrib
val a_coords : Html_types.numbers wrap -> [> `Coords ] attrib
val a_usemap : Html_types.idref wrap -> [> `Usemap ] attrib
val a_data : Xml.uri wrap -> [> `Data ] attrib
val a_codetype : Html_types.contenttype wrap -> [> `Codetype ] attrib
  • deprecated Not supported in HTML5
val a_frameborder : [< `One | `Zero ] wrap -> [> `Frameborder ] attrib
  • deprecated Use CSS border
val a_marginheight : Html_types.pixels wrap -> [> `Marginheight ] attrib
  • deprecated Use CSS margin
val a_marginwidth : Html_types.pixels wrap -> [> `Marginwidth ] attrib
  • deprecated Use CSS margin
val a_scrolling : [< `Auto | `No | `Yes ] wrap -> [> `Scrolling ] attrib
val a_target : Html_types.frametarget wrap -> [> `Target ] attrib
val a_content : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Content ] attrib
val a_http_equiv : Html_types.text wrap -> [> `Http_equiv ] attrib
val a_defer : unit -> [> `Defer ] attrib
val a_media : Html_types.mediadesc wrap -> [> `Media ] attrib
val a_style : string wrap -> [> `Style_Attr ] attrib
val a_property : string wrap -> [> `Property ] attrib
val a_role : string list wrap -> [> `Role ] attrib
val a_aria : string -> string list wrap -> [> `Aria ] attrib
val txt : string wrap -> [> Html_types.txt ] elt
val html : ?a:Html_types.html_attrib attrib list -> [< Html_types.head ] elt wrap -> [< Html_types.body ] elt wrap -> [> Html_types.html ] elt
val head : ?a:Html_types.head_attrib attrib list -> [< Html_types.title ] elt wrap -> Html_types.head_content_fun elt list_wrap -> [> Html_types.head ] elt
val base : ([< Html_types.base_attrib ], [> Html_types.base ]) nullary
val title : (Html_types.title_attrib, [< Html_types.title_content_fun ], [> Html_types.title ]) unary
val body : ([< Html_types.body_attrib ], [< Html_types.body_content_fun ], [> Html_types.body ]) star
val svg : ?a:[< Html_types.svg_attrib ] Svg.D.Raw'.attrib list -> [< Html_types.svg_content ] Svg.D.Raw'.elt list_wrap -> [> Html_types.svg ] elt
val header : ([< Html_types.header_attrib ], [< Html_types.header_content_fun ], [> Html_types.header ]) star
val section : ([< Html_types.section_attrib ], [< Html_types.section_content_fun ], [> Html_types.section ]) star
val nav : ([< Html_types.nav_attrib ], [< Html_types.nav_content_fun ], [> Html_types.nav ]) star
val h1 : ([< Html_types.h1_attrib ], [< Html_types.h1_content_fun ], [> Html_types.h1 ]) star
val h2 : ([< Html_types.h2_attrib ], [< Html_types.h2_content_fun ], [> Html_types.h2 ]) star
val h3 : ([< Html_types.h3_attrib ], [< Html_types.h3_content_fun ], [> Html_types.h3 ]) star
val h4 : ([< Html_types.h4_attrib ], [< Html_types.h4_content_fun ], [> Html_types.h4 ]) star
val h5 : ([< Html_types.h5_attrib ], [< Html_types.h5_content_fun ], [> Html_types.h5 ]) star
val h6 : ([< Html_types.h6_attrib ], [< Html_types.h6_content_fun ], [> Html_types.h6 ]) star
val hgroup : ([< Html_types.hgroup_attrib ], [< Html_types.hgroup_content_fun ], [> Html_types.hgroup ]) star
val address : ([< Html_types.address_attrib ], [< Html_types.address_content_fun ], [> Html_types.address ]) star
val article : ([< Html_types.article_attrib ], [< Html_types.article_content_fun ], [> Html_types.article ]) star
val aside : ([< Html_types.aside_attrib ], [< Html_types.aside_content_fun ], [> Html_types.aside ]) star
val main : ([< Html_types.main_attrib ], [< Html_types.main_content_fun ], [> Html_types.main ]) star
val p : ([< Html_types.p_attrib ], [< Html_types.p_content_fun ], [> Html_types.p ]) star
val pre : ([< Html_types.pre_attrib ], [< Html_types.pre_content_fun ], [> Html_types.pre ]) star
val blockquote : ([< Html_types.blockquote_attrib ], [< Html_types.blockquote_content_fun ], [> Html_types.blockquote ]) star
val dialog : ([< Html_types.dialog_attrib ], [< Html_types.dialog_content_fun ], [> Html_types.dialog ]) star
val div : ([< Html_types.div_attrib ], [< Html_types.div_content_fun ], [> Html_types.div ]) star
val dl : ([< Html_types.dl_attrib ], [< Html_types.dl_content_fun ], [> Html_types.dl ]) star
val ol : ([< Html_types.ol_attrib ], [< Html_types.ol_content_fun ], [> Html_types.ol ]) star
val ul : ([< Html_types.ul_attrib ], [< Html_types.ul_content_fun ], [> Html_types.ul ]) star
val dd : ([< Html_types.dd_attrib ], [< Html_types.dd_content_fun ], [> Html_types.dd ]) star
val dt : ([< Html_types.dt_attrib ], [< Html_types.dt_content_fun ], [> Html_types.dt ]) star
val li : ([< Html_types.li_attrib ], [< Html_types.li_content_fun ], [> ]) star
val figcaption : ([< Html_types.figcaption_attrib ], [< Html_types.figcaption_content_fun ], [> Html_types.figcaption ]) star
val figure : ?figcaption: [ `Bottom of [< Html_types.figcaption ] elt wrap | `Top of [< Html_types.figcaption ] elt wrap ] -> ([< Html_types.figure_attrib ], [< Html_types.figure_content_fun ], [> Html_types.figure ]) star
val hr : ([< Html_types.hr_attrib ], [> ]) nullary
val b : ([< Html_types.b_attrib ], [< Html_types.b_content_fun ], [> Html_types.b ]) star
val i : ([< Html_types.i_attrib ], [< Html_types.i_content_fun ], [> Html_types.i ]) star
val u : ([< Html_types.u_attrib ], [< Html_types.u_content_fun ], [> Html_types.u ]) star
val small : ([< Html_types.small_attrib ], [< Html_types.small_content_fun ], [> Html_types.small ]) star
val sub : ([< Html_types.sub_attrib ], [< Html_types.sub_content_fun ], [> Html_types.sub ]) star
val sup : ([< Html_types.sup_attrib ], [< Html_types.sup_content_fun ], [> Html_types.sup ]) star
val mark : ([< Html_types.mark_attrib ], [< Html_types.mark_content_fun ], [> Html_types.mark ]) star
val wbr : ([< Html_types.wbr_attrib ], [> Html_types.wbr ]) nullary
val bdo : dir:[< `Ltr | `Rtl ] wrap -> ([< Html_types.bdo_attrib ], [< Html_types.bdo_content_fun ], [> Html_types.bdo ]) star
val abbr : ([< Html_types.abbr_attrib ], [< Html_types.abbr_content_fun ], [> Html_types.abbr ]) star
val br : ([< Html_types.br_attrib ], [> ]) nullary
val cite : ([< Html_types.cite_attrib ], [< Html_types.cite_content_fun ], [> Html_types.cite ]) star
val code : ([< Html_types.code_attrib ], [< Html_types.code_content_fun ], [> Html_types.code ]) star
val dfn : ([< Html_types.dfn_attrib ], [< Html_types.dfn_content_fun ], [> Html_types.dfn ]) star
val em : ([< Html_types.em_attrib ], [< Html_types.em_content_fun ], [> Html_types.em ]) star
val kbd : ([< Html_types.kbd_attrib ], [< Html_types.kbd_content_fun ], [> Html_types.kbd ]) star
val q : ([< Html_types.q_attrib ], [< Html_types.q_content_fun ], [> Html_types.q ]) star
val samp : ([< Html_types.samp_attrib ], [< Html_types.samp_content_fun ], [> Html_types.samp ]) star
val span : ([< Html_types.span_attrib ], [< Html_types.span_content_fun ], [> Html_types.span ]) star
val strong : ([< Html_types.strong_attrib ], [< Html_types.strong_content_fun ], [> Html_types.strong ]) star
val time : ([< Html_types.time_attrib ], [< Html_types.time_content_fun ], [> Html_types.time ]) star
val var : ([< Html_types.var_attrib ], [< Html_types.var_content_fun ], [> Html_types.var ]) star
val a : ([< Html_types.a_attrib ], 'a, [> 'a Html_types.a ]) star
val del : ([< Html_types.del_attrib ], 'a, [> 'a Html_types.del ]) star
val ins : ([< Html_types.ins_attrib ], 'a, [> 'a Html_types.ins ]) star
val img : src:Xml.uri wrap -> alt:Html_types.text wrap -> ([< Html_types.img_attrib ], [> Html_types.img ]) nullary
val picture : img:[< Html_types.img ] elt wrap -> ([< Html_types.picture_attrib ], [< Html_types.picture_content_fun ], [> Html_types.picture ]) star
val iframe : ([< Html_types.iframe_attrib ], [< Html_types.iframe_content_fun ], [> Html_types.iframe ]) star
val object_ : ?params:[< Html_types.param ] elt list_wrap -> ([< Html_types.object__attrib ], 'a, [> `Object of 'a ]) star
val param : ([< Html_types.param_attrib ], [> Html_types.param ]) nullary
val embed : ([< Html_types.embed_attrib ], [> Html_types.embed ]) nullary
val audio : ?src:Xml.uri wrap -> ?srcs:[< Html_types.source ] elt list_wrap -> ([< Html_types.audio_attrib ], 'a, [> 'a ]) star
val video : ?src:Xml.uri wrap -> ?srcs:[< Html_types.source ] elt list_wrap -> ([< Html_types.video_attrib ], 'a, [> 'a ]) star
val canvas : ([< Html_types.canvas_attrib ], 'a, [> 'a Html_types.canvas ]) star
val source : ([< Html_types.source_attrib ], [> Html_types.source ]) nullary
val area : alt:Html_types.text wrap -> ([< `Accesskey | `Alt | `Aria | `Class | `Contenteditable | `Contextmenu | `Coords | `Dir | `Draggable | `Hidden | `Hreflang | `Id | `Lang | `Media | `Mime_type | `OnAbort | `OnBlur | `OnCanPlay | `OnCanPlayThrough | `OnChange | `OnClick | `OnClose | `OnContextMenu | `OnDblClick | `OnDrag | `OnDragEnd | `OnDragEnter | `OnDragLeave | `OnDragOver | `OnDragStart | `OnDrop | `OnDurationChange | `OnEmptied | `OnEnded | `OnError | `OnFocus | `OnFormChange | `OnFormInput | `OnInput | `OnInvalid | `OnKeyDown | `OnKeyPress | `OnKeyUp | `OnLoad | `OnLoadStart | `OnLoadedData | `OnLoadedMetaData | `OnMouseDown | `OnMouseMove | `OnMouseOut | `OnMouseOver | `OnMouseUp | `OnMouseWheel | `OnPause | `OnPlay | `OnPlaying | `OnProgress | `OnRateChange | `OnReadyStateChange | `OnScroll | `OnSeeked | `OnSeeking | `OnSelect | `OnShow | `OnStalled | `OnSubmit | `OnSuspend | `OnTimeUpdate | `OnTouchCancel | `OnTouchEnd | `OnTouchMove | `OnTouchStart | `OnVolumeChange | `OnWaiting | `Rel | `Role | `Shape | `Spellcheck | `Style_Attr | `Tabindex | `Target | `Title | `Translate | `User_data | `XML_lang | `XMLns ], [> Html_types.area ]) nullary
val map : ([< Html_types.map_attrib ], 'a, [> 'a ]) star
val caption : ([< Html_types.caption_attrib ], [< Html_types.caption_content_fun ], [> Html_types.caption ]) star
val table : ?caption:[< Html_types.caption ] elt wrap -> ?columns:[< Html_types.colgroup ] elt list_wrap -> ?thead:[< Html_types.thead ] elt wrap -> ?tfoot:[< Html_types.tfoot ] elt wrap -> ([< Html_types.table_attrib ], [< Html_types.table_content_fun ], [> Html_types.table ]) star
val tablex : ?caption:[< Html_types.caption ] elt wrap -> ?columns:[< Html_types.colgroup ] elt list_wrap -> ?thead:[< Html_types.thead ] elt wrap -> ?tfoot:[< Html_types.tfoot ] elt wrap -> ([< Html_types.tablex_attrib ], [< Html_types.tablex_content_fun ], [> Html_types.tablex ]) star
val colgroup : ([< Html_types.colgroup_attrib ], [< Html_types.colgroup_content_fun ], [> Html_types.colgroup ]) star
val col : ([< Html_types.col_attrib ], [> Html_types.col ]) nullary
val thead : ([< Html_types.thead_attrib ], [< Html_types.thead_content_fun ], [> Html_types.thead ]) star
val tbody : ([< Html_types.tbody_attrib ], [< Html_types.tbody_content_fun ], [> Html_types.tbody ]) star
val tfoot : ([< Html_types.tfoot_attrib ], [< Html_types.tfoot_content_fun ], [> Html_types.tfoot ]) star
val td : ([< Html_types.td_attrib ], [< Html_types.td_content_fun ], [> ]) star
val th : ([< Html_types.th_attrib ], [< Html_types.th_content_fun ], [> ]) star
val tr : ([< Html_types.tr_attrib ], [< Html_types.tr_content_fun ], [> ]) star
val form : ([< Html_types.form_attrib ], [< Html_types.form_content_fun ], [> Html_types.form ]) star
val fieldset : ?legend:[< Html_types.legend ] elt wrap -> ([< Html_types.fieldset_attrib ], [< Html_types.fieldset_content_fun ], [> Html_types.fieldset ]) star
val legend : ([< Html_types.legend_attrib ], [< Html_types.legend_content_fun ], [> Html_types.legend ]) star
val label : ([< Html_types.label_attrib ], [< Html_types.label_content_fun ], [> Html_types.label ]) star
val input : ([< Html_types.input_attrib ], [> Html_types.input ]) nullary
val button : ([< Html_types.button_attrib ], [< Html_types.button_content_fun ], [> Html_types.button ]) star
val select : ([< Html_types.select_attrib ], [< Html_types.select_content_fun ], [> ]) star
val datalist : ?children: [< `Options of [< Html_types.selectoption ] elt list_wrap | `Phras of [< Html_types.phrasing ] elt list_wrap ] -> ([< Html_types.datalist_attrib ], [> Html_types.datalist ]) nullary
val optgroup : label:Html_types.text wrap -> ([< Html_types.optgroup_attrib ], [< Html_types.optgroup_content_fun ], [> Html_types.optgroup ]) star
val option : ([< Html_types.option_attrib ], [< Html_types.option_content_fun ], [> Html_types.selectoption ]) unary
val textarea : ([< Html_types.textarea_attrib ], [< Html_types.textarea_content_fun ], [> Html_types.textarea ]) unary
val keygen : ([< Html_types.keygen_attrib ], [> Html_types.keygen ]) nullary
val progress : ([< Html_types.progress_attrib ], [< Html_types.progress_content_fun ], [> Html_types.progress ]) star
val meter : ([< Html_types.meter_attrib ], [< Html_types.meter_content_fun ], [> Html_types.meter ]) star
val output_elt : ([< Html_types.output_elt_attrib ], [< Html_types.output_elt_content_fun ], [> Html_types.output_elt ]) star
val entity : string -> [> Html_types.txt ] elt
val space : unit -> [> Html_types.txt ] elt
val cdata : string -> [> Html_types.txt ] elt
val cdata_script : string -> [> Html_types.txt ] elt
val cdata_style : string -> [> Html_types.txt ] elt
val details : [< Html_types.summary ] elt wrap -> ([< Html_types.details_attrib ], [< Html_types.details_content_fun ], [> Html_types.details ]) star
val summary : ([< Html_types.summary_attrib ], [< Html_types.summary_content_fun ], [> Html_types.summary ]) star
val command : label:Html_types.text wrap -> ([< Html_types.command_attrib ], [> Html_types.command ]) nullary
val menu : ?children: [< `Flows of [< Html_types.flow5 ] elt list_wrap | `Lis of [< `Li of [< Html_types.common ] ] elt list_wrap ] -> ([< Html_types.menu_attrib ], [> ]) nullary
val script : ([< Html_types.script_attrib ], [< Html_types.script_content_fun ], [> Html_types.script ]) unary
val noscript : ([< Html_types.noscript_attrib ], [< Html_types.noscript_content_fun ], [> Html_types.noscript ]) star
val template : ([< Html_types.template_attrib ], [< Html_types.template_content_fun ], [> Html_types.template ]) star
val meta : ([< Html_types.meta_attrib ], [> Html_types.meta ]) nullary
val style : ([< Html_types.style_attrib ], [< Html_types.style_content_fun ], [> ]) star
val rt : ([< Html_types.rt_attrib ], [< Html_types.rt_content_fun ], [> Html_types.rt ]) star
val rp : ([< Html_types.rp_attrib ], [< Html_types.rp_content_fun ], [> Html_types.rp ]) star
val ruby : ([< Html_types.ruby_attrib ], [< Html_types.ruby_content_fun ], [> Html_types.ruby ]) star
val pcdata : string wrap -> [> Html_types.pcdata ] elt
  • deprecated Use txt instead
val of_seq : Xml_stream.signal Stdlib.Seq.t -> 'a elt list_wrap
val tot : Xml.elt -> 'a elt
val totl : Xml.elt list_wrap -> 'a elt list_wrap
val toelt : 'a elt -> Xml.elt
val toeltl : 'a elt list_wrap -> Xml.elt list_wrap
val doc_toelt : doc -> Xml.elt
val to_xmlattribs : 'a attrib list -> Xml.attrib list
val to_attrib : Xml.attrib -> 'a attrib
module Unsafe : sig ... end
include sig ... end
val a_onabort : string -> [> `OnAbort ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onafterprint : string -> [> `OnAfterPrint ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onbeforeprint : string -> [> `OnBeforePrint ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onbeforeunload : string -> [> `OnBeforeUnload ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onblur : string -> [> `OnBlur ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_oncanplay : string -> [> `OnCanPlay ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_oncanplaythrough : string -> [> `OnCanPlayThrough ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onchange : string -> [> `OnChange ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onclose : string -> [> `OnClose ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondurationchange : string -> [> `OnDurationChange ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onemptied : string -> [> `OnEmptied ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onended : string -> [> `OnEnded ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onerror : string -> [> `OnError ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onfocus : string -> [> `OnFocus ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onformchange : string -> [> `OnFormChange ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onforminput : string -> [> `OnFormInput ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onhashchange : string -> [> `OnHashChange ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_oninput : string -> [> `OnInput ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_oninvalid : string -> [> `OnInvalid ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onmousewheel : string -> [> `OnMouseWheel ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onoffline : string -> [> `OnOffLine ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ononline : string -> [> `OnOnLine ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onpause : string -> [> `OnPause ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onplay : string -> [> `OnPlay ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onplaying : string -> [> `OnPlaying ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onpagehide : string -> [> `OnPageHide ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onpageshow : string -> [> `OnPageShow ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onpopstate : string -> [> `OnPopState ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onprogress : string -> [> `OnProgress ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onratechange : string -> [> `OnRateChange ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onreadystatechange : string -> [> `OnReadyStateChange ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onredo : string -> [> `OnRedo ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onresize : string -> [> `OnResize ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onscroll : string -> [> `OnScroll ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onseeked : string -> [> `OnSeeked ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onseeking : string -> [> `OnSeeking ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onselect : string -> [> `OnSelect ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onshow : string -> [> `OnShow ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onstalled : string -> [> `OnStalled ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onstorage : string -> [> `OnStorage ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onsubmit : string -> [> `OnSubmit ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onsuspend : string -> [> `OnSuspend ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ontimeupdate : string -> [> `OnTimeUpdate ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onundo : string -> [> `OnUndo ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onunload : string -> [> `OnUnload ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onvolumechange : string -> [> `OnVolumeChange ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onwaiting : string -> [> `OnWaiting ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onload : string -> [> `OnLoad ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onloadeddata : string -> [> `OnLoadedData ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onloadedmetadata : string -> [> `OnLoadedMetaData ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onloadstart : string -> [> `OnLoadStart ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onmessage : string -> [> `OnMessage ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onclick : string -> [> `OnClick ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_oncontextmenu : string -> [> `OnContextMenu ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondblclick : string -> [> `OnDblClick ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondrag : string -> [> `OnDrag ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondragend : string -> [> `OnDragEnd ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondragenter : string -> [> `OnDragEnter ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondragleave : string -> [> `OnDragLeave ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondragover : string -> [> `OnDragOver ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondragstart : string -> [> `OnDragStart ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ondrop : string -> [> `OnDrop ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onmousedown : string -> [> `OnMouseDown ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onmouseup : string -> [> `OnMouseUp ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onmouseover : string -> [> `OnMouseOver ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onmousemove : string -> [> `OnMouseMove ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onmouseout : string -> [> `OnMouseOut ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ontouchstart : string -> [> `OnTouchStart ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ontouchend : string -> [> `OnTouchEnd ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ontouchmove : string -> [> `OnTouchMove ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_ontouchcancel : string -> [> `OnTouchCancel ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onkeypress : string -> [> `OnKeyPress ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onkeydown : string -> [> `OnKeyDown ] {Raw'}183.attrib
val a_onkeyup : string -> [> `OnKeyUp ] {Raw'}183.attrib

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