package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type srv =
  1. | Srv : (unit, unit, Eliom_service.get, 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit, unit, Eliom_service.non_ocaml) Eliom_service.t -> srv
type !'a hierarchical_site = main_page * ('a * 'a hierarchical_site_item) list
and !'a hierarchical_site_item =
  1. | Disabled
  2. | Site_tree of 'a hierarchical_site
and main_page =
  1. | Main_page of srv
  2. | Default_page of srv
  3. | Not_clickable
module type HTML5_TOOLS = sig ... end
module F : HTML5_TOOLS
module D : HTML5_TOOLS
val with_js_file : string list -> unit
val with_css_file : string list -> unit
val wrap_handler : (unit -> 'a option Lwt.t) -> ('get -> 'post -> 'res Lwt.t) -> ('a -> 'get -> 'post -> 'res Lwt.t) -> 'get -> 'post -> 'res Lwt.t
val menu_class : string
val last_class : string
val current_class : string
val current_path_class : string
val disabled_class : string
val first_class : string
val level_class : string