package eio_posix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Low-level API for making POSIX calls directly.

This module provides an effects-based API for calling POSIX functions.

Normally it's better to use the cross-platform Eio APIs instead, which uses these functions automatically where appropriate.

These functions mostly copy the POSIX APIs directly, except that:

  1. They suspend the calling fiber instead of returning EAGAIN or similar.
  2. They handle EINTR by automatically restarting the call.
  3. They wrap Unix.file_descr in Fd, to avoid use-after-close bugs.
  4. They attach new FDs to switches, to avoid resource leaks.
module Fd : sig ... end

A safe wrapper for Unix.file_descr.

val await_readable : Fd.t -> unit
val await_writable : Fd.t -> unit
val sleep_until : Mtime.t -> unit
val read : Fd.t -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
val write : Fd.t -> bytes -> int -> int -> int
val socket : sw:Eio.Std.Switch.t -> Unix.socket_domain -> Unix.socket_type -> int -> Fd.t
val connect : Fd.t -> Unix.sockaddr -> unit
val accept : sw:Eio.Std.Switch.t -> Fd.t -> Fd.t * Unix.sockaddr
val shutdown : Fd.t -> Unix.shutdown_command -> unit
val recv_msg : Fd.t -> bytes -> int * Unix.sockaddr
val send_msg : Fd.t -> dst:Unix.sockaddr -> bytes -> int
val getrandom : Cstruct.t -> unit
val fstat : Fd.t -> Unix.LargeFile.stats
val lstat : string -> Unix.LargeFile.stats
val realpath : string -> string
val mkdir : ?dirfd:Fd.t -> mode:int -> string -> unit
val rename : ?old_dir:Fd.t -> string -> ?new_dir:Fd.t -> string -> unit
val readdir : string -> string array
val readv : Fd.t -> Cstruct.t array -> int
val writev : Fd.t -> Cstruct.t array -> int
val preadv : file_offset:Optint.Int63.t -> Fd.t -> Cstruct.t array -> int
val pwritev : file_offset:Optint.Int63.t -> Fd.t -> Cstruct.t array -> int
val pipe : sw:Eio.Std.Switch.t -> Fd.t * Fd.t
module Open_flags : sig ... end
val openat : ?dirfd:Fd.t -> sw:Eio.Std.Switch.t -> mode:int -> string -> Open_flags.t -> Fd.t

Note: the returned FD is always non-blocking and close-on-exec.

module Process : sig ... end

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