Module type
Class type
A fiber is a light-weight thread.
Within a domain, only one fiber can be running at a time. A fiber runs until it performs an IO operation (directly or indirectly). At that point, it may be suspended and the next fiber on the run queue runs.
val both : (unit -> unit)->(unit -> unit)-> unit
both f g runs f () and g () concurrently.
They run in a new cancellation sub-context, and if either raises an exception, the other is cancelled. both waits for both functions to finish even if one raises (it will then re-raise the original exception).
f runs immediately, without switching to any other thread. g is inserted at the head of the run-queue, so it runs next even if other threads are already enqueued. You can get other scheduling orders by adding calls to yield in various places. e.g. to append both fibers to the end of the run-queue, yield immediately before calling both.
If both fibers fail, Exn.combine is used to combine the exceptions.
val pair : (unit ->'a)->(unit ->'b)->'a * 'b
pair f g is like both, but returns the two results.
val all : (unit -> unit) list-> unit
all fs is like both, but for any number of fibers. all [] returns immediately.
val first : (unit ->'a)->(unit ->'a)->'a
first f g runs f () and g () concurrently.
They run in a new cancellation sub-context, and when one finishes the other is cancelled. If one raises, the other is cancelled and the exception is reported.
As with both, f runs immediately and g is scheduled next, ahead of any other queued work.
If both fibers fail, Exn.combine is used to combine the exceptions.
Warning: it is always possible that both operations will succeed (and one result will be thrown away). This is because there is a period of time after the first operation succeeds, but before its fiber finishes, during which the other operation may also succeed.
val any : (unit ->'a) list->'a
any fs is like first, but for any number of fibers.
fork ~sw fn runs fn () in a new fiber, but does not wait for it to complete.
The new fiber is attached to sw (which can't finish until the fiber ends).
The new fiber inherits sw's cancellation context. If the fiber raises an exception, Switch.fail sw is called. If sw is already off then fn fails immediately, but the calling thread continues.
fn runs immediately, without switching to any other fiber first. The calling fiber is placed at the head of the run queue, ahead of any previous items.
val fork_sub :
sw:Switch.t->on_error:(exn -> unit)->(Switch.t-> unit)->
fork_sub ~sw ~on_error fn is like fork, but it creates a new sub-switch for the fiber.
This means that you can cancel the child switch without cancelling the parent. This is a convenience function for running Switch.run inside a fork.
This is called if the fiber raises an exception. If it raises in turn, the parent switch is failed. It is not called if the parent sw itself is cancelled.
fork_promise ~sw fn schedules fn () to run in a new fiber and returns a promise for its result.
This is just a convenience wrapper around fork. If fn raises an exception then the promise is resolved to the error, but sw is not failed.
val fork_seq : sw:Switch.t->(('a-> unit)-> unit)->'aStdlib.Seq.t
fork_seq ~sw fn creates (but does not start) a new fiber to run fn yield.
Requesting the next item from the returned sequence resumes the fiber until it calls yield x, using x value as the next item in the sequence. If fn returns without producing a value then the result is Seq.Nil (end-of-sequence).
The returned sequence can be consumed safely from another domain. fn itself always runs in the domain that called fork_seq.
Switch.run @@ fun sw ->
let seq = Fiber.fork_seq ~sw (fun yield ->
for i = 1 to 3 do
traceln "Yielding %d" i;
yield i
) in
Seq.iter (traceln "Got: %d") seq
If fn raises an exception then the consumer receives it. If the consumer cancels while awaiting a value, the producer is cancelled when it next calls yield. It is an error to request two items at once, or to request items out of sequence.
When the switch finishes, the fiber is cancelled (if still running). Attempting to read from the sequence after this raises an exception.
val fork_daemon : sw:Switch.t->(unit ->[ `Stop_daemon ])-> unit
fork_daemon is like fork except that instead of waiting for the fiber to finish, the switch will cancel it once all non-daemon fibers are done.
The switch will still wait for the daemon fiber to finish cancelling.
The return type of [`Stop_daemon] instead of unit is just to catch mistakes, as daemons normally aren't expected to return.
val check : unit -> unit
check () checks that the fiber's context hasn't been cancelled. Many operations automatically check this before starting.
yield () asks the scheduler to switch to the next runnable task. The current task remains runnable, but goes to the back of the queue. Automatically calls check just before resuming.
val filter : ?max_fibers:int ->('a-> bool)->'a list->'a list
deprecated Use `Eio.Fiber.List.filter` instead.
val map : ?max_fibers:int ->('a->'b)->'a list->'b list
deprecated Use `Eio.Fiber.List.map instead.
val filter_map : ?max_fibers:int ->('a->'b option)->'a list->'b list
deprecated Use `Eio.Fiber.List.filter_map instead.
val iter : ?max_fibers:int ->('a-> unit)->'a list-> unit
deprecated Use `Eio.Fiber.List.iter instead.
Fiber-local variables
Each fiber maintains a map of additional variables associated with it, which can be used to store fiber-related state or context. This map is propagated to any forked fibers.
While fiber-local variables can be useful, they can also make code much harder to reason about, as they effectively act as another form of global state. When possible, prefer passing arguments around explicitly.
Fiber-local variables are particularly useful for attaching extra information for debugging, such as a request ID that the log system can include in all logged messages.
type'a key
'a key is a fiber-local variable of type 'a.
Since the key is required to get or set a variable, a library can keep its key private to control how the variable can be accessed.
with_binding key value fn runs fn with key bound to the provided value.
Whilst this binding only exists for the duration of this function on this fiber, it will be propagated to any forked fibers. If fn creates fibers using an external switch, the bound value may be continue to be used after this function returns.