package efl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = Evas.obj
type box_data
type box_layout = t -> box_data -> unit
type !'a event_cb = Evas.t -> t -> 'a -> unit
val rectangle_add : Evas.t -> t
val box_layout_flow_horizontal : t -> box_data -> unit
val box_layout_horizontal : t -> box_data -> unit
val box_layout_vertical : t -> box_data -> unit
val box_layout_stack : t -> box_data -> unit
val box_layout_homogeneous_vertical : t -> box_data -> unit
val box_layout_homogeneous_horizontal : t -> box_data -> unit
val box_layout_flow_vertical : t -> box_data -> unit
val clip_set : t -> t -> unit
val ref : t -> unit
val unref : t -> unit
val ref_get : t -> int
val del : t -> unit
val move : t -> int -> int -> unit
val resize : t -> int -> int -> unit
val geometry_get : t -> int * int * int * int
val geometry_set : t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val show : t -> unit
val hide : t -> unit
val visible_get : t -> bool
val color_set : t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val color_get : t -> int * int * int * int
val evas_get : t -> Evas.t
val clip_get : t -> t option
val clip_unset : t -> unit
val clipees_get : t -> t list
val clipees_has : t -> bool
val focus_set : t -> bool -> unit
val focus_get : t -> bool
val layer_set : t -> int -> unit
val layer_get : t -> int
val name_set : t -> string -> unit
val name_get : t -> string
val type_get : t -> string
val raise : t -> unit
val lower : t -> unit
val stack_above : t -> t -> unit
val stack_below : t -> t -> unit
val above_get : t -> t option
val below_get : t -> t option
val event_callback_add_mouse_in : t -> Evas_event.mouse_in event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_mouse_out : t -> Evas_event.mouse_out event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_mouse_down : t -> Evas_event.mouse_down event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_mouse_up : t -> Evas_event.mouse_up event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_mouse_move : t -> Evas_event.mouse_move event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_mouse_wheel : t -> Evas_event.mouse_wheel event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_multi_down : t -> Evas_event.multi_down event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_multi_up : t -> Evas_event.multi_up event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_multi_move : t -> Evas_event.multi_move event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_free : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_key_down : t -> Evas_event.key_down event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_key_up : t -> Evas_event.key_up event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_focus_in : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_focus_out : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_show : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_hide : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_move : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_resize : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_restack : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_del : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_hold : t -> Evas_event.hold event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_changed_size_hints : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_image_preloaded : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_add_image_unloaded : t -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_mouse_in : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.mouse_in event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_mouse_out : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.mouse_out event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_mouse_down : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.mouse_down event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_mouse_up : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.mouse_up event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_mouse_move : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.mouse_move event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_mouse_wheel : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.mouse_wheel event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_multi_down : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.multi_down event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_multi_up : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.multi_up event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_multi_move : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.multi_move event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_free : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_key_down : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.key_down event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_key_up : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.key_up event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_focus_in : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_focus_out : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_show : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_hide : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_move : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_resize : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_restack : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_del : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_hold : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> Evas_event.hold event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_changed_size_hints : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_image_preloaded : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val event_callback_priority_add_image_unloaded : t -> Evas.callback_priority -> unit event_cb -> unit
val pass_events_set : t -> bool -> unit
val pass_events_get : t -> bool
val repeat_events_set : t -> bool -> unit
val repeat_events_get : t -> bool
val propagate_events_set : t -> bool -> unit
val propagate_events_get : t -> bool
val freeze_events_set : t -> bool -> unit
val freeze_events_get : t -> bool
val map_enable_set : t -> bool -> unit
val map_enable_get : t -> bool
val map_set : t -> -> unit
val map_get : t ->
type size_hint = [
  1. | `align of float
  2. | `center
  3. | `expand
  4. | `fill
  5. | `halign of float
  6. | `hcenter
  7. | `hexpand
  8. | `hfill
  9. | `hweight of float
  10. | `hweight0
  11. | `valign of float
  12. | `vcenter
  13. | `vexpand
  14. | `vfill
  15. | `vweight of float
  16. | `vweight0
  17. | `weight of float
  18. | `weight0
val size_hint_min_get : t -> int * int
val size_hint_min_set : t -> int -> int -> unit
val size_hint_max_get : t -> int * int
val size_hint_max_set : t -> int -> int -> unit
val size_hint_display_mode_get : t -> Evas.display_mode
val size_hint_display_mode_set : t -> Evas.display_mode -> unit
val size_hint_request_get : t -> int * int
val size_hint_request_set : t -> int -> int -> unit
val size_hint_aspect_get : t -> Evas.aspect_control * int * int
val size_hint_aspect_set : t -> Evas.aspect_control -> int -> int -> unit
val size_hint_align_get : t -> float * float
val size_hint_align_set : t -> float -> float -> unit
val size_hint_weight_get : t -> float * float
val size_hint_weight_set : t -> float -> float -> unit
val size_hint_padding_get : t -> int * int * int * int
val size_hint_padding_set : t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val size_hint_set : t -> size_hint list -> unit
type pointer_mode = [
  1. | `autograb
  2. | `nograb
  3. | `nograb_no_repeat_updown
val pointer_mode_set : t -> pointer_mode -> unit
val pointer_mode_get : t -> pointer_mode
val anti_alias_set : t -> bool -> unit
val anti_alias_get : t -> bool
val scale_set : t -> float -> unit
val scale_get : t -> float
val render_op_set : t -> Evas.render_op -> unit
val render_op_get : t -> Evas.render_op
val precise_is_inside_set : t -> bool -> unit
val precise_is_inside_get : t -> bool
val static_clip_set : t -> bool -> unit
val static_clip_get : t -> bool
val name_find : Evas.t -> string -> t option
val name_child_find : t -> string -> int -> t option
val top_at_xy_get : Evas.t -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> t option
val top_at_pointer_get : Evas.t -> t option
val top_in_rectangle_get : Evas.t -> int -> int -> int -> int -> bool -> bool -> t option
val bottom_get : Evas.t -> t option
val top_get : Evas.t -> t option
val line_add : Evas.t -> Evas.obj
val line_xy_set : Evas.obj -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val line_xy_get : Evas.obj -> int * int * int * int

Innovation. Community. Security.