package ecaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Ansi_color translates ANSI escape sequences to Emacs faces, like (find-library "ansi-color"). Ansi_color is significantly faster than ansi-color, especially on larger inputs.

val color_current_buffer : ?start:Position.t -> ?end_:Position.t -> unit -> unit

color_current_buffer modifies the current buffer, deleting ANSI color escapes and applying their corresponding Emacs faces to the regions they affect. Saving the buffer after calling color_current_buffer would save without the escapes, which is probably not desired, so color_current_buffer marks the buffer as not modified. It also turns off undo. color_current_buffer is intended to replace for Jane.ansi-color-buffer and Jane.ansi-color-region.

val color_text : Text.t -> Text.t
val max_supported_code : int
module Colors : sig ... end

(describe-variable 'ansi-color-names-vector. Colors uses the colors in ansi-colors-names-vector when translating ANSI color codes to faces.

val print_state_machine : bool Core_kernel.ref

print_state_machine = true causes color* functions to print_s the state machine used for coloring. This is used for testing.

val show_invalid_escapes : bool Var.t

A customization variable governing whether invalid ANSI escape sequences are flagged in output.