open Easy_logging
Using different log levels
A logger has one method for each level. Each of these methods takes the same arguments that the printf function does.
let logger_1 = Logging.make_logger "_1_ Demo" Debug [Cli Debug];;
logger_1#debug "This is a %s message" "debug";
logger_1#trace "This is a %s message" "trace";
logger_1#info "This is an info message";
logger_1#warning "This is a warning message";
logger_1#error "This is an error message";
logger_1#flash "This is a FLASH message";
Log lazy messages
For each level, there is also a method, prefixed with «l», that logs messages of type string Lazy.t
let heavy_calculation () = "heavy result" in
logger_1#ldebug (lazy (heavy_calculation ()));
Log string
You might also want to log a string
let my_string = "such a beautiful string" in
logger_1#sdebug my_string;
Creating a sublogger
logger_1_sublogger will use logger_1 handlers and level
let logger_1_sublogger = Logging.get_logger "_1_ Demo.sublogger"
logger_1_sublogger#set_level Info;
Use printf like formatting
logger_1_sublogger#warning "This is %s" "format !!";
let h = Handlers.make (Cli Debug) in
h.fmt <- Logging_internals.Formatters.format_color;
logger_1#info "test";
prefix log method with « s » to log static strings
let mystr = "this is a string" in
logger_1_sublogger#sinfo mystr;
use automatic tags
let counter = ref 0 in
let tag () =
counter := !counter + 1;
"M "^ (string_of_int (!counter))
logger_1#add_tag_generator tag;
logger_1#info "first message";
logger_1#info "second message";
logger_1#info "third message";
you can also add tags by hand
logger_1#info ~tags:["OOO"] "another message";
Modifying the level of a handler
let logger_4_root = Logging.get_logger "" in
logger_4_root#error "WTF1";
let h = Handlers.make (Cli Debug) in
let logger_4_sub = Logging.make_logger "_4_ handlerLevelTest" Debug [] in
logger_4_sub#error "WTF2";
logger_4_sub#add_handler h;
logger_4_sub#debug "this message is displayed";
Handlers.set_level h Info;
logger_4_sub#debug "this message is not displayed";
Modifying the file handler defaults
let h_config : Handlers.config =
{file_handlers = {
logs_folder= "test/";
truncate= false;
versioning=Some 2;
} } in
Logging.set_handlers_config h_config;;
let logger_5 = Logging.make_logger
"_4_ File logger demo" Debug [File ("test", Debug)];;
logger_5#info "this is a message";
assert (Sys.file_exists "test/test_00.log");
let logger_6_A = Logging.get_logger "_6_ SubLoggers.A"
and logger_6_AB = Logging.get_logger "_6_ SubLoggers.A.B"
and logger_6_AC = Logging.get_logger "_6_ SubLoggers.A.C" in
let h = Handlers.make (Cli Debug) in
logger_6_A#add_handler h; logger_6_AC#add_handler h;
logger_6_A#set_level Debug;
logger_6_A#info "one line";
logger_6_AB#info "another line";
logger_6_AC#warning "two lines";
let logger_8 = Logging.get_logger "_8_ Json Formatter"
and h = Handlers.make (Cli Debug) in
logger_8#set_level Debug;
h.fmt <- Logging_internals.Formatters.format_json;
logger_8#add_handler h;
logger_8#info "it is ok";
logger_8#warning "is it json\"\nis it";
let logger_9 = Logging.get_logger "_9_ Handler filter" in
logger_8#set_level Debug;
let h = Handlers.make (Cli Debug) in
Handlers.add_filter h (fun _ -> false);
logger_9#warning "this is not printed"
Custom handlers module example
Replacing the DefaultHandlers module with your own.
Custom handlers example: logs are stored in a given list ref
module MyHandlers =
type t = string -> unit
type tag = unit
type log_formatter = Logging_internals.Logging_types.log_item -> string
type desc = string list ref
[@@deriving yojson]
let apply h (item : Logging_internals.Logging_types.log_item) = h item.msg
let make ?config:(config=())(_internal : desc) =
fun s -> _internal := s::!_internal
type config = unit
[@@deriving of_yojson]
let default_config = ()
let set_config = fun _ -> ()
module MyLogging = Logging_internals.MakeLogging(MyHandlers)
let l = ref [];;
let logger_2 = MyLogging.make_logger "_2_ Custom Handlers module" Debug [l];;
logger_2#info "this is a message";
assert (!l = ["this is a message"]);
logger_2#set_level Warning;
logger_2#debug "this message will not be passed to the handler";
assert (!l = ["this is a message"]);