Module type
Class type
Duration - conversions to various time units
A duration is represented in nanoseconds as an unsigned 64 bit integer. This has a range of up to 584 years, or 213503 days, or 5124095 hours, or 307445734 minutes, or 18446744073 seconds, or 18446744073709 milliseconds, or 18446744073709549 milliseconds.
All functions converting to t
raise Invalid_argument
on out of bound or negative input.
0.1.2 - homepage
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
pp ppf t
prints the duration.
val of_us : int -> t
of_us us
are the microseconds in nanoseconds.
val of_ms : int -> t
of_ms ms
are the milliseconds in nanoseconds.
val of_sec : int -> t
of_sec s
are the seconds in nanoseconds.
val of_min : int -> t
of_min m
are the minutes in nanoseconds.
val of_hour : int -> t
of_hour h
are the hours in nanoseconds.
val of_day : int -> t
of_day d
are the days in nanoseconds.
val of_year : int -> t
of_year y
are the years in nanoseconds.
val of_f : float -> t
of_f f
is the floating point seconds in nanoseconds.
val to_us : t -> int
to_us t
are the microseconds of t
val to_ms : t -> int
to_ms t
are the milliseconds of t
val to_sec : t -> int
to_sec t
are the seconds of t
val to_min : t -> int
to_min t
are the minutes of t
val to_hour : t -> int
to_hour t
are the hours of t
val to_day : t -> int
to_day t
are the days of t
val to_year : t -> int
to_year t
are the years of t
val to_f : t -> float
to_f t
is the floating point representation of t