package dune-site

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Meta_parser : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Meta_parser end
type t = Meta_parser.t = {
  1. name : string option;
  2. entries : entry list;
and entry = Meta_parser.entry =
  1. | Comment of string
  2. | Rule of rule
  3. | Package of t
and rule = Meta_parser.rule = {
  1. var : string;
  2. predicates : predicate list;
  3. action : action;
  4. value : string;
and action = Meta_parser.action =
  1. | Set
  2. | Add
and predicate = Meta_parser.predicate =
  1. | Pos of string
  2. | Neg of string
val add_versions : t -> get_version:(string list -> string option) -> t
module Parse = Meta_parser.Parse

Innovation. Community. Security.