package dune-release

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val new_workflow : string

Describes the new workflow to embed dune-release into customized release scripts.

val warning : string

Informs that the concept of delegate is deprecated.

val artefacts_warning : string

Same as warning, but for alternative artefacts instead of delegates.

val env_var_warning : string

Same as warning, but for the environment variable DUNE_RELEASE_DELEGATE instead of delegates themselves.

val warning_usage : (string -> unit, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4

Informs that the user is using delegates and that those a deprecated.

val warning_usage_alt_artefacts : (string -> unit, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4

Same as warning_usage, but for alternative artefacts instead of delegates.


Innovation. Community. Security.