package dune-release

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type answer =
  1. | Yes
  2. | No
val confirm : question:('a, unit) Logs.msgf -> yes:bool -> default_answer:answer -> bool

Promtps the user for confirmation. confirm ~question ~yes ~default_answer uses the message formatting function question to format and log a message with the app level and wait for a yes or no answer from the user. Returns true for yes. Defaults to default_answer if the user just presses enter. If yes, then it just skips the prompt and returns true. E.g. confirm ~question:(fun l -> l "Do you want some %a?" Fmt.(styled `Bold string) "coffee")

val confirm_or_abort : question:('a, unit) Logs.msgf -> yes:bool -> default_answer:answer -> (unit, Rresult.R.msg) Stdlib.result

Same as confirm but returns Ok () for yes and Error (`Msg "Aborting on user demand") for no


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