package dune-release

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val confirm : question:('a, unit) Logs.msgf -> yes:bool -> bool

Promtps the user for confirmation. confirm ~question ~yes uses the message formatting function question to format and log a message with the app level and wait for a yes or no answer from the user. Returns true for yes. Defaults to yes if the user just press enter. If yes then just skip the prompt and returns true. E.g. confirm ~question:(fun l -> l "Do you want some %a?" Fmt.(styled `Bold string) "coffee")

val confirm_or_abort : question:('a, unit) Logs.msgf -> yes:bool -> (unit, Rresult.R.msg) Stdlib.result

Same as confirm but returns Ok () for yes and Error (`Msg "Aborting on user demand") for no


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