package dune-private-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Management of syntaxes

module Version : sig ... end
type t
module Error : sig ... end
module Warning : sig ... end
val create : name:string -> desc:string -> Version.t list -> t

create ~name ~desc supported_versions defines a new syntax. supported_version is the list of the last minor version of each supported major version. desc is used to describe what this syntax represent in error messages.

val name : t -> string

Return the name of the syntax.

val check_supported : t -> (Stdune.Loc.t * Version.t) -> unit

Check that the given version is supported and raise otherwise.

val greatest_supported_version : t -> Version.t

S-expression parsing

High-level functions

val deleted_in : ?extra_info:string -> t -> Version.t -> (unit, _) Decoder.parser

Indicate the field/constructor being parsed was deleted in the given version

val deprecated_in : ?extra_info:string -> t -> Version.t -> (unit, _) Decoder.parser

Indicate the field/constructor being parsed was deprecated in the given version

val renamed_in : t -> Version.t -> to_:string -> (unit, _) Decoder.parser

Indicate the field/constructor being parsed was renamed in the given version

val since : ?fatal:bool -> t -> Version.t -> (unit, _) Decoder.parser

Indicate the field/constructor being parsed was introduced in the given version. When fatal is false, simply emit a warning instead of error. fatal defaults to true.

Low-level functions

val set : t -> Version.t -> ('a, 'k) Decoder.parser -> ('a, 'k) Decoder.parser
val get_exn : t -> (Version.t, 'k) Decoder.parser

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