package dual

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Dual numbers. This module provides arithmetic operations on dual numbers represented as double-precision floating-point numbers (type float).

type t = {
  1. re : float;
  2. dre : float;

The type of dual numbers. re is the value and dre the derivative.

val dual : ?y:float -> float -> t

Create a dual number. By default dre is set to 1.

val print_dual : t -> unit

Pretty print dual number.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Check equality between two dual numbers.

val add : t -> t -> t


val sub : t -> t -> t


val neg : t -> t

Unary negation.

val mul : t -> t -> t


val div : t -> t -> t


val pow : t -> float -> t

Power function. pow d1 d2 returns d1 to the d2 power.

val sqrt : t -> t

Square root.

val exp : t -> t

Exponentiation. exp d returns e to the d power.

val log : t -> t

Natural logarithm (in base e).

val sin : t -> t

Sine function.

val cos : t -> t

Cosine function.

val tan : t -> t

Tangent function.

val asin : t -> t

Inverse sine function.

val acos : t -> t

Inverse cosine function.

val atan : t -> t

Inverse tangent function.

val sinh : t -> t

Hyperbolic sine function.

val cosh : t -> t

Hyperbolic cosine function.

val tanh : t -> t

Hyperbolic tangent function.

val root : (t -> t) -> t -> t

root f x0 returns the root of f with starting value x0 via Newton's method.


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