package dream-httpaf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Hpack = Dream_hpack.Hpack
module AB = Angstrom.Buffered
module Writer = Serialize.Writer
type partial_headers = {
  1. mutable parse_state : (Headers.t, Hpack.error) result AB.state;
  2. end_stream : bool;
type 'active_peer remote_state =
  1. | WaitingForPeer
  2. | PartialHeaders of partial_headers
  3. | FullHeaders
  4. | ActiveMessage of 'active_peer
type closed_reason =
  1. | Finished
  2. | ResetByUs of Error_code.t
  3. | ResetByThem of Error_code.t
type closed = {
  1. reason : closed_reason;
  2. mutable ttl : int;
type ('opn, 'half_closed) active_state =
  1. | Open of 'opn remote_state
  2. | HalfClosed of 'half_closed
type ('active_state, 'active, 'reserved) state =
  1. | Idle
  2. | Reserved of 'reserved
  3. | Active of 'active_state * 'active
  4. | Closed of closed
constraint 'active_state = (_, _) active_state
type 'a error_status =
  1. | No_error
  2. | Exn of exn
  3. | Other of {
    1. error : 'a;
    2. code : Error_code.t;
type ('state, 'error, 'error_handler) t = {
  1. id : Stream_identifier.t;
  2. writer : Serialize.Writer.t;
  3. error_handler : 'error_handler;
  4. mutable error_code : 'error error_status;
  5. mutable state : 'state;
  6. mutable max_frame_size : int;
  7. on_close : active:bool -> closed -> unit;
} constraint 'state = (_, _, _) state
val initial_ttl : int
val create : Stream_identifier.t -> max_frame_size:int -> Serialize.Writer.t -> 'a -> (active:bool -> closed -> unit) -> ((('b, 'c) active_state, 'd, 'e) state, 'f, 'a) t
val id : ((('a, 'b) active_state, 'c, 'd) state, 'e, 'f) t -> Stream_identifier.t
val is_idle : ((('a, 'b) active_state, 'c, 'd) state, 'e, 'f) t -> bool
val is_open : ((('a, 'b) active_state, 'c, 'd) state, 'e, 'f) t -> bool
val finish_stream : ((('a, 'b) active_state, 'c, 'd) state, 'e, 'f) t -> closed_reason -> unit
val error_code : ((('a, 'b) active_state, 'c, 'd) state, [> `Exn of exn ] as 'e, 'f) t -> 'e option
val error_to_code : [> `Exn of exn ] as 'a -> Error_code.t -> 'a error_status
val reset_stream : ((('a, 'b) active_state, 'c, 'd) state, 'e, 'f) t -> Error_code.t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.