package dolmen_model

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type model = Model.t
type answer =
  1. | Sat
  2. | Unsat of Dolmen.Std.Loc.full
  3. | Error of Dolmen.Std.Loc.full
type 'st answers =
  1. | Init
  2. | Response_loaded of 'st -> 'st * answer option
type 't located = {
  1. contents : 't;
  2. loc : Dolmen.Std.Loc.full;
  3. file : Dolmen_loop.Logic.language Dolmen_loop.State.file;
type 'st t = {
  1. model : model;
  2. answers : 'st answers;
  3. defs : (cst * term) list located list;
  4. hyps : term located list;
  5. goals : term located list;
  6. clauses : term list located list;
val empty : unit -> 'a t
val pp_wrap : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val type_def_in_model : unit Dolmen_loop.Report.Error.t
val bad_model : [ `Clause | `Goal | `Hyp ] Dolmen_loop.Report.Error.t
val cannot_check_proofs : unit Dolmen_loop.Report.Warning.t
val error_in_response : unit Dolmen_loop.Report.Error.t
val missing_answer : unit Dolmen_loop.Report.Error.t
val assertion_stack_not_supported : unit Dolmen_loop.Report.Error.t
val fo_model : unit Dolmen_loop.Report.Error.t
type 'a file = 'a Dolmen_loop.State.file

Innovation. Community. Security.