package dolmen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Functor to generate a parser for the iCNF format.


module T : Term with type location := L.t
module S : Statement with type location := L.t and type term := T.t


type token

The type of tokens produced by the language lexer.

type statement = S.t

The type of top-level directives recognised by the parser.

module Lexer : Dolmen_intf.Lex.S with type token := token

The Lexer module for the language.

module Parser : Dolmen_intf.Parse.S with type token := token and type statement := statement

The Parser module for the language.

val find : ?dir:string -> string -> string option

Helper function to find a file using a language specification. Separates directory and file because most include directives in languages are relative to the directory of the original file being processed.

val parse_file : string -> L.file * statement list

Parse the whole given file into a list.

val parse_file_lazy : string -> L.file * statement list Stdlib.Lazy.t

Parse the whole given file into a list.

val parse_input : [ `Stdin | `File of string | `Contents of string * string ] -> L.file * (unit -> statement option) * (unit -> unit)

Incremental parsing. Given an input to read (either a file, stdin, or some contents of the form (filename, s) where s is the contents to parse), returns a generator that will incrementally parse the statements, together with a cleanup function to close file descriptors. In case of a syntax error, the current line will be completely consumed and parsing will restart at the beginning of the next line. Useful to process input from stdin, or even large files where it would be impractical to parse the entire file before processing it.


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