package dockerfile

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Rules for Zypper-based distributions such as OpenSUSE

val update : t

update will run zypper update non-interactively.

val install : ('a, unit, string, t) format4 -> 'a

install fmt will zypper update && zypper install the packages specified by the fmt format string.

val add_user : ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?sudo:bool -> string -> t

add_user username will install a new user with name username and a locked password. If sudo is true then root access with no password will also be configured. The default value for sudo is false.

val dev_packages : ?extra:string -> unit -> t

dev_packages ?extra () will install the base development tools and sudo, passwd and git. Extra packages may also be optionally supplied via extra.

val install_system_ocaml : t

Install the system OCaml packages via zypper


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