package dockerfile-cmd

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Utility functions
Module type
Class type

Command invocation library to help with Docker builds.

This module primarily exposes utility functions to glue together Docker-based scripts for (e.g.) continuous integration systems like the ocaml-ci. The interface is fairly domain-specific and does not expose all the functionality of the underlying tools. Feel free to contribute more functions if you need them.

type cmd_log = {
  1. command : string;
  2. stdout : string;
  3. success : bool;
  4. status : [ `Signaled of int | `Exited of int ];

Results of a command invocation

val sexp_of_cmd_log : cmd_log -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val cmd_log_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> cmd_log
val run_log : ?ok_to_fail:bool -> ?env:Bos.OS.Env.t -> Fpath.t -> string -> Bos.Cmd.t -> (unit, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) Stdlib.result

runlog log_dir name cmd will run cmd with label name and log the results in <log_dir>/<name>.sxp.

module Docker : sig ... end

Docker command invocation

module Opam : sig ... end

Opam2 command invocation

Utility functions

val setup_logs : unit -> unit Cmdliner.Term.t

setup_logs () initialises a Logs environment.

val iter : ('a -> (unit, 'b) Stdlib.result) -> 'a list -> (unit, 'b) Stdlib.result
val map : ('a -> ('b, 'c) Stdlib.result) -> 'a list -> ('b list, 'c) Stdlib.result

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