You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
type 'a parser
val build : (Xmlm.input -> 'a) -> 'a parser
type 'a result =
| Ok of 'a
| Error of Xmlm.pos option * Xmlm.pos * string
val text : 'a parser -> Xmlm.input -> 'a DocOck.Types.Documentation.text result
val unit : 'a parser -> Xmlm.input -> 'a DocOck.Types.Unit.t result
val unit_file : 'a parser -> Xmlm.input -> 'a DocOck.Types.Unit.t result
val page : 'a parser -> Xmlm.input -> 'a DocOck.Types.Page.t result
val page_file : 'a parser -> Xmlm.input -> 'a DocOck.Types.Page.t result