package dns-stub
Module type
Class type
type +'a io = 'a Lwt.t
is the type of an effect. 'err
is a polymorphic variant.
type io_addr = Ipaddr.V4.t * int
An address for a given flow type, usually this will consist of IP address + a TCP/IP or UDP/IP port number, but for some flow types it can carry additional information for purposes of cryptographic verification. TODO at least that would be nice in the future. TODO
type ns_addr = [ `TCP | `UDP ] * io_addr
TODO well this is kind of crude; it's a tuple to prevent having to do endless amounts of currying things when implementing flow types, and we need to know the protocol used so we can prefix packets for DNS-over-TCP and set correct socket options etc. therefore we can't just use the opaque io_addr
type stack = S.t
A stack with which to connect, e.g. IPv4.tcpv4
create ~rng ~nameserver stack
creates the state record of the DNS client.
The address of a nameserver that is supposed to work with the underlying flow, can be used if the user does not want to bother with configuring their own.
connect addr
is a new connection (flow
) to addr
, or an error.
send flow buffer
sends buffer
to the flow
recv flow
tries to read a buffer
from the flow
val lift : 'a -> 'a io