package dns-client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The pure interface to the client part of uDns.

Various helper modules to do with side effects are available from Dns_client_lwt, Dns_client_unix and so forth.

To learn more about the high-level API, I suggest reading the docstrings of Dns_client_flow.

type 'key query_state constraint 'key = 'a Dns.Rr_map.key

query_state is parameterized over the query type, so the type of the representation of the answer depends on what the name server was asked to provide. See Dns_map.k for a list of response types. The first element (the int32) in most of the tuples is the Time-To-Live (TTL) field returned from the server, which you can use to calculate when you should request fresh information in case you are writing a long-running application.

val make_query : (int -> Cstruct.t) -> Dns.proto -> 'a Domain_name.t -> 'query_type Dns.Rr_map.key -> Cstruct.t * 'query_type Dns.Rr_map.key query_state

make_query rng protocol name query_type is query, query_state where query is the serialized DNS query to send to the name server, and query_state is the information required to validate the response.

val parse_response : 'query_type Dns.Rr_map.key query_state -> Cstruct.t -> ('query_type, [ `Msg of string | `Partial ]) Stdlib.result

parse_response query_state response is the information contained in response parsed using query_state when the query was successful, or an Error _ if the response did not match the query_state (or if the query failed).


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