package dkim
Module type
Class type
module Sigs : sig ... end
type extracted = {
dkim_fields : (Mrmime.Field_name.t * Unstrctrd.t * map) list;
fields : (Mrmime.Field_name.t * Unstrctrd.t) list;
prelude : string;
val extract_dkim :
?newline:newline ->
?size:int ->
'flow ->
't Sigs.state ->
(module Sigs.FLOW with type backend = 't and type flow = 'flow) ->
((extracted, _) or_err, 't)
extract_dkim ?newline flow state (module Flow)
reads flow
with Input/Output scheduler represented by state
and primitives implemented by (module Flow)
. ?newline
specifies kind of contents (CRLF
from network or LF
from database like maildir).
It tries to extract DKIM-Signature
fields with values, others fields and give a prelude of the body of the email (given by flow
val selector : 'a dkim -> [ `raw ] Domain_name.t
selector dkim
returns the selector of the DKIM-Signature field.
Selectors might indicate the names of office locations, the signing date, or even an individual user.
val domain : 'a dkim -> [ `raw ] Domain_name.t
domain dkim
returns the domain which signed the mail.
val fields : 'a dkim -> Mrmime.Field_name.t list
val domain_name :
'a dkim ->
([ `raw ] Domain_name.t, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result
domain_name dkim
returns the full domain-name where the DNS TXT record can be get.
val extract_server :
't ->
'backend Sigs.state ->
(module Sigs.DNS with type backend = 'backend and type t = 't) ->
'a dkim ->
((map, _) or_err, 'backend)
extract_server dns state (module Dns) dkim
gets public-key noticed by dkim
from authority server over DNS protocol (with Input/Output scheduler represented by state
and primitives implemented by (module Dns)
val extract_body :
?newline:newline ->
'flow ->
'backend Sigs.state ->
(module Sigs.FLOW with type backend = 'backend and type flow = 'flow) ->
prelude:string ->
simple:(string option -> unit) ->
relaxed:(string option -> unit) ->
[ `Consume of (unit, 'backend) ]
extract_body ?newline flow state (module Flow) ~prelude
extracts a thin representation of the body of the email. It should follow extract_dkim
with prelude
and with flow
, state
, (module Flow)
and ?newline
arguments. It returns a body
which can be used by verify
expired ~epoch dkim
returns true
if the signature is expired. verify
with the given dkim
will returns true
but it does not process the real verification, which will obviously fails otherwise due to the obsolete public/private key available by the signer.
type ('a, 'backend) stream = unit -> ('a option, 'backend)
val verify :
'backend Sigs.state ->
epoch:(unit -> int64) ->
(Mrmime.Field_name.t * Unstrctrd.t) list ->
(Mrmime.Field_name.t * Unstrctrd.t) ->
simple:(string, 'backend) stream ->
relaxed:(string, 'backend) stream ->
signed dkim ->
server ->
(bool, 'backend)
verify fields (dkim_field_name, dkim_value) dkim server body
verifies the given email (represented by body
. fields
and (dkim_field_name, dkim_value)
) with a signature dkim
and the public-key represented by server
It returns true
if signature is correct or false
if something is wrong.
Establishing the exact cause of a failed verification if difficult:
can not be found.- Public-key was updated.
is not well-formed.- etc.
At least, dkim
provides some logs to highlight where the verification failed. Finally, the given email should be treated the same as all unverified email - regardless of whether or not it looks like it was signed.
val v :
?version:int ->
?fields:Mrmime.Field_name.t list ->
selector:[ `raw ] Domain_name.t ->
?algorithm:algorithm ->
?hash:hash ->
?canonicalization:(canonicalization * canonicalization) ->
?length:int ->
?query:query ->
?timestamp:int64 ->
?expiration:int64 ->
[ `raw ] Domain_name.t ->
unsigned dkim
module Encoder : sig ... end
val sign :
key:Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.priv ->
?newline:newline ->
'flow ->
't Sigs.state ->
both:'t Sigs.both ->
(module Sigs.FLOW with type backend = 't and type flow = 'flow) ->
(module Sigs.STREAM with type backend = 't) ->
unsigned dkim ->
(signed dkim, 't)
sign ~key ~newline flow state (module Flow) dkim
returns a signed dkim
value which can be serialized into the given email (represented by flow
). According to dkim
, it will sign some fields and the body.
The returned signed dkim
can be serialized with:
let dkim_field = Prettym.to_string Dkim.Encoder.as_field dkim
val server_of_dkim : key:Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.priv -> 'a dkim -> server
returns the required server value from a dkim
value. The user is able to store the associated server value into the DNS TXT record with server_to_string
such as:
let str = Dkim.server_to_string (Dkim.server_of_dkim ~key dkim) in
nsupdate (Dkim.domain_name dkim) `TXT str
val server_to_string : server -> string
server_to_string server
generates a string
from the given server
value to be able to store the string into the DNS TXT record.
val relaxed_field_canonicalization :
Mrmime.Field_name.t ->
Unstrctrd.t ->
(string -> unit) ->
module Body : sig ... end
val parse_dkim_field_value :
Unstrctrd.t ->
(map, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result
val field_dkim_signature : Mrmime.Field_name.t