package dkim
Module type
Class type
module Sigs : sig ... end
val pp_dkim : 'a dkim Fmt.t
val pp_server : server Fmt.t
type extracted = {
dkim_fields : (Mrmime.Field_name.t * Unstrctrd.t * map) list;
fields : (Mrmime.Field_name.t * Unstrctrd.t) list;
prelude : string;
val extract_dkim :
?newline:newline ->
'flow ->
't Sigs.state ->
(module Sigs.FLOW with type backend = 't and type flow = 'flow) ->
((extracted, _) or_err, 't)
extract_dkim ?newline flow state (module Flow)
reads flow
with Input/Output scheduler represented by state
and primitives implemented by (module Flow)
. ?newline
specifies kind of contents (CRLF
from network or LF
from database like maildir).
It tries to extract DKIM-Signature
fields with values, others fields and give a prelude of the body of the email (given by flow
val selector : 'a dkim -> [ `raw ] Domain_name.t
selector dkim
returns the selector of the DKIM-Signature field.
Selectors might indicate the names of office locations, the signing date, or even an individual user.
val domain : 'a dkim -> [ `raw ] Domain_name.t
domain dkim
returns the domain which signed the mail.
val fields : 'a dkim -> Mrmime.Field_name.t list
val domain_name :
'a dkim ->
([ `raw ] Domain_name.t, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result
domain_name dkim
returns the full domain-name where the DNS TXT record can be get.
val extract_server :
't ->
'backend Sigs.state ->
(module Sigs.DNS with type backend = 'backend and type t = 't) ->
'a dkim ->
((map, _) or_err, 'backend)
extract_server dns state (module Dns) dkim
gets public-key noticed by dkim
from authority server over DNS protocol (with Input/Output scheduler represented by state
and primitives implemented by (module Dns)
val extract_body :
?newline:newline ->
'flow ->
'backend Sigs.state ->
(module Sigs.FLOW with type backend = 'backend and type flow = 'flow) ->
prelude:string ->
(body, 'backend)
extract_body ?newline flow state (module Flow) ~prelude
extracts a thin representation of the body of the email. It should follow extract_dkim
with prelude
and with flow
, state
, (module Flow)
and ?newline
arguments. It returns a body
which can be used by verify
val verify :
(Mrmime.Field_name.t * Unstrctrd.t) list ->
(Mrmime.Field_name.t * Unstrctrd.t) ->
signed dkim ->
server ->
body ->
verify fields (dkim_field_name, dkim_value) dkim server body
verifies the given email (represented by body
. fields
and (dkim_field_name, dkim_value)
) with a signature dkim
and the public-key represented by server
It returns true
if signature is correct or false
if something is wrong.
Establishing the exact cause of a failed verification if difficult:
can not be found.- Public-key was updated.
is not well-formed.- etc.
At least, dkim
provides some logs to highlight where the verification failed. Finally, the given email should be treated the same as all unverified email - regardless of whether or not it looks like it was signed.
val v :
?version:int ->
?fields:Mrmime.Field_name.t list ->
selector:[ `raw ] Domain_name.t ->
?algorithm:algorithm ->
?hash:hash ->
?canonicalization:(canonicalization * canonicalization) ->
?length:int ->
?query:query ->
?timestamp:int64 ->
?expiration:int64 ->
[ `raw ] Domain_name.t ->
unsigned dkim
module Encoder : sig ... end
val sign :
key:Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.priv ->
?newline:newline ->
'flow ->
't Sigs.state ->
(module Sigs.FLOW with type backend = 't and type flow = 'flow) ->
unsigned dkim ->
(signed dkim, 't)
sign ~key ~newline flow state (module Flow) dkim
returns a signed dkim
value which can be serialized into the given email (represented by flow
). According to dkim
, it will sign some fields and the body.
The returned signed dkim
can be serialized with:
let dkim_field = Prettym.to_string Dkim.Encoder.as_field dkim
val server_of_dkim : key:Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.priv -> 'a dkim -> server
returns the required server value from a dkim
value. The user is able to store the associated server value into the DNS TXT record with server_to_string
such as:
let str = Dkim.server_to_string (Dkim.server_of_dkim ~key dkim) in
nsupdate (Dkim.domain_name dkim) `TXT str
val server_to_string : server -> string
server_to_string server
generates a string
from the given server
value to be able to store the string into the DNS TXT record.
val remove_signature_of_raw_dkim : Unstrctrd.t -> Unstrctrd.t
val relaxed_field_canonicalization :
Mrmime.Field_name.t ->
Unstrctrd.t ->
(string -> unit) ->
module Body : sig ... end